大连理工大学工程力学研究所教授,博士生导师。兼任International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering编委;International Journal of Damage Mechanics编委;
1983,7-1985,2,1988,1-1989,8两次在英国威尔士大学作为访问学者,英国皇家学会访问学者与英皇家学会会员O.C. Zienkiewicz 教授合作研究,并负责完成日本竹下工务店及英国石油公司(BP)的研究合作项目。1986承担完成日本科学软件公司的研究项目,并应邀赴日本讲学。
2006年3月-9月作为澳大利亚科学委员会聘任的国际教授(International Professorship)在
比利时列日大学(1995.2-5,1998.9-10,1999.5-8),日本Saitama大学 (2001.2-2001.3),日本竹中工务店技术研究所作短期合作研究或工作。2006年3-9月作为澳大利亚科学委员会聘任的国际教授(International Fellow)在
获奖等级: 2008年国家教育部自然科学奖二等奖(第一获奖人)
获奖等级: 2010年国家教育部自然科学奖一等奖(第二获奖人)
o 辽宁省力学学会常务理事和固体力学专业委员会主任;
o 大连理工大学工程力学系学位委员会主任;
o 二级学科:“固体力学”学科组长,“岩土与环境力学”学科组长。
2.国家重点基础研究发展规划 (“973”) 项目“重大工程地质灾害的预测理论及数值分析方法研究”课题2“地质体渐进破坏过程的演化机理及计算模型”(2010CB731502)(2010,1-2014,12).
3. 国家自然科学基金研究项目--数理学部基金项目(11072046)(2011.1 -- 2013.12)
“强动荷载下土体地基破坏过程分析的多尺度方法”(90715011) (2008.1 -- 2010.12).
5.国家自然科学基金研究项目--数理学部基金项目(2007.1 -- 2009.12) “颗粒材料的离散颗粒集合体-Cosserat连续体两尺度模拟”(10672033)
1. 多孔多相变形介质在强动荷载下力学行为的理论和数值研究;
2. 耦合问题中的非线性有限元方法;
3. 环境土壤力学及饱和与非饱和土中污染物输运过程(力学,多相渗流,传质和传热耦合过程)数值模拟;
4. 非线性计算固体力学及应变局部化问题的数值方法;
5. 力学及与其相耦合的多物理过程问题的数值模拟方法与工程应用;
6. 计算流变学与高分子材料成型过程数值模拟。
1.Xikui Li,Rongtao Li,B.A.Schrefler. A coupled chemo-thermo-hygro-mechanical model of concrete at high temperature and failure analysis.Int.J. Numer. & Anal. Methods in Geomechanics.2006,30⑺:635-681.
2.Xikui Li,Qinglin Duan. Meshfree iterative stabilized TGBS/CBS fractional step algorithms for incompressible N-S equations.Computer Methods in Appl. Mech. Eng..2006;195(44-47):6125-6145.
3.Wenhua Wu,Xikui Li. Application of the time discontinous Galerkin finite element method to heat wave simulation. Int.J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.2006,49(9-10): 1679-1684.
4.Xianhong Han,Xikui Li. An iterative stabilized CNBS-CG scheme for incompressible non-isothermal non-Newtonian fluid flow. Int.J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.2006,Online (in press)
5. Xikui Li,Zejia Liu,R.W. Lewis.Mixed finite element method for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical process in poro-elasto-plastic media at large . J. Numerical Methods in Eng,2005,64⑸:667-708.
6. Xikui Li,Xianhongiterative stabilized fractional step algorithm for numerical solution of incompressible N-S equations. Int. J. Numerical Methods in Fluids.2005,49⑷:395-416.
7. Xikui Li,Xihua Chu,Y.T.Feng. A discrete particle model and numerical modelling of the failure modes of granular materials. Engineering Computations.2005,22⑻:894-920.
8. Xikui Li,Hongxiang Tang. A consistent return mapping algorithm for pressure-dependent elastoplastic Cosserat continua and modelling of strain localization. Computers and Structures,2005; 83⑴: 1-10.
9. Zejia Liu,N. Boukpeti,Xikui Li et al. Modelling chemo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated clays: a feasibility study.
Int.J. Numer. & Anal. Methods in Geomechanics.2005,29⑼:919-940.
10. Wenhua Wu,Xikui Li,R Charlier,F Collin. A thermo-hydro-mechanical constitutive model and its numerical modelling for unsaturated soils. Computers & Geotechnics.2004; 31⑵: 155-167.
11. Xikui Li,Zejia Liu,R.W. Lewis,Kiichi Suzuki. Mixed finite element method for saturated poro-elasto-plastic media at large strains. I. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 2003; 57⑹: 875-898.
12. Xikui Li,Dongmei Yao,R.W.Lewis. A discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for dynamic and wave propagation problems in non-linear solids and saturated porous media. I. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 2003; 57⑿: 1775:1800.
13. Xikui Li,Xianhong Han,M.Pastor. An iterative stabilized fractional step algorithm for finite element analysis in saturated soil dynamics. Computer Methods in Appl. Mech. Eng.. 2003; 192(35-36): 3845- 3859.
14. Xikui Li,Junbo Zhang,Hongwu Zhang. Instability of wave propagation in saturated poro-
elastoplastic media. Int. J. Numer. & Anal. Methods in Geomechanics. 2002; 26:563-578.
15. Xikui Li,Wenhua Wu,S Cescotto. Contaminant transport with non-equilibrium processes in unsaturated soils and implicit characteristic Galerkin scheme. Int. J. for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,2000; 24⑶: 219-243.
16. Xikui Li,Wenhua Wu,Zienkiewicz OC. Implicit characteristic Galerkin method for convection - diffusion equations. Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Eng,2000; 47⑽: 1689-1708.
17. Xikui Li,HR Thomas,Yiqun Fan. Finite element method and constitutive modelling and computation for unsaturated soils. Computer Methods in Appl Mechanics Engng,1999,169⑴:135-159.
18. Xikui Li,Cescotto S,HR Thomas. Finite element method for contaminant transport in unsaturated soils. ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Eng,1999,4⑶: 265-274.
19. Xikui Li,S Cescotto,PG Duxbury. A mixed strain element method for pressure dependent elastoplasticity at moderate large strain. Int J Numer Methods Eng,1998,43⑴: 111-129.
20. Xikui Li,S Cescotto. A mixed element method in gradient plasticity for pressure dependent material and modelling of strain localization. Computer Methods Appl Mechanics Engng,1997,144: 287-305.
21. Xikui Li,S Cescotto. Finite element method for gradient plasticity at large strains. Int J Numer Methods Eng,1996,39⑷: 619-633.
22. P.G. Duxbury,Xikui Li. Development of elasto-plastic material models in a natural co-ordinate system,Computer Methods Appl. Mech. Eng..,1996,135: 283-306.
23. S. Cescotto,Xikui Li. Modelling of strain localisation in a large strain context,Int. J. of Structural Engineering and Mechanics,1996,4⑹: 645-654.
24. Xikui Li. Large strain constitutive modelling and computation for isotropic,creep elastoplastic damage solids. Int J Numer.Methods Eng,1995,38⑸: 841-860.
25. Xikui Li,PG Duxbury and P. Lyons Coupled creep-elastoplastic-damage analysis for isotropic and anisotropic non-linear materials. Int J Solids & Structures,1994,31⑼: 1181-1206.
26. Xikui Li,P.G. Duxbury,Paul Lyons. Considerations for the application and numerical implementation of strain hardening with the Hoffman yield criterion,Computers & Structures,1994,52: 633-644.
27. Xikui Li,L Crook and Lyons P. Mixed strain elements for non-linear analysis,Int J Engineering Computations,1993,10⑶: 223-242.
28. Xikui Li,OC Zienkiewicz,Multiphase flow in deforming porous media and finite element solutions. Computers & Structures,1992,45⑵: 211-227.
29. Xikui Li,OC Zienkiewicz,Y. Xie A numerical model for immiscible two-phase fluid flow in a porous medium and its time domain solution,Int J Numer Methods Eng,1990,30⑹: 1195-1212.
30. Xikui Li. Finite element analysis for immiscible two-phase fluid flow in deforming porous media and an unconditionally stable staggered solution,Communications in Applied Numerical Methods,1990,6:125-135.