歧视经济学方面,他的研究提供了区分基于偏见(prejudice )和统计性歧视(Statistical Discrimination)的实证方法,并被法学界应用。他在医疗保险市场方面的研究获得了国际卫生经济学会颁发的每年一度的最佳健康经济学肯尼斯·阿罗大奖。他的研究得到美国国家科学基金和美国国家医疗研究基金的资助。他还是美国国家经济研究局(National Bureau of Economic Research)和
本科(BA)1989-1993 中国复旦大学世界经济
美国弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)经济学
美国宾夕法尼亚大学 (University of Pennsylvania)经济学
助理教授 2000-2005 美国耶鲁(Yale)大学经济系副教授
2005-2007 美国耶鲁(Yale)大学经济系副教授
2007-2009 美国杜克(Duke)大学经济系正教授
2010至 今
美国宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)经济系
助理教授 2000-2005 美国耶鲁(Yale)大学经济系
副教授 2005-2007 美国耶鲁(Yale)大学经济系
副教授 2007-2009 美国杜克(Duke)大学经济系
正教授 2010至 今 美国宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)经济系
美国经济评论》的编委。他研究兴趣广泛,研究方法上擅长将理论和实证紧密结合。 他的具体研究课题包括歧视经济学的理论和实证方法,
歧视经济学方面,他的研究提供了区分基于偏见(prejudice )和统计性歧视(Statistical Discrimination)的实证方法,并被法学界应用。他在医疗保险市场方面的研究获得了国际卫生经济学会颁发的每年一度的最佳健康经济学肯尼斯。阿罗大奖。 他的研究得到美国国家科学基金和美国国家医疗研究基金的资助。 他还是美国国家经济研究局(National Bureau of Economic Research)和宾夕法尼亚大学人口研究所的研究员。
July 2019 Population Aging, Retirement Income Security, and Asset Markets in China
NBER Reporter 2019 number 2
May 2019 Factions, Local Accountability, and Long-Term Development: Theory and Evidence
with Linke Hou, Mingxing Liu, Lixin Colin Xu, Pengfei Zhang: w25901
January 2019 Is There a Demand for Reverse Mortgages in China? Evidence from Two Online Surveys
with Katja Hanewald, Hazel Bateman, Shang Wu: w25491
November 2018 In the Shadows of the Government: Relationship Building During Political Turnovers
with Zhe Li, Nianhang Xu, Hongjun Yan: w25300
October 2018 Partial Rating Area Offering in the ACA Marketplaces: Facts, Theory and Evidence
with Ami Ko: w25154
September 2018 The Chinese Pension System
with Jin Feng: w25088
The Long-Term Consequences of Having Fewer Children in Old Age: Evidence from China’s “Later, Longer, Fewer” Campaign
with Yi Chen: w25041
December 2017 Inferring the Ideological Affiliations of Political Committees via Financial Contributions Networks
with Yiran Chen: w24130
June 2017 Exit, Voice or Loyalty? An Investigation into Mandated Portability of Front-Loaded Private Health Plans
with Juan Pablo Atal, Martin Karlsson, Nicolas R. Ziebarth: w23468
March 2017 Life Insurance and Life Settlement Markets with Overconfident Policyholders
with Zenan Wu: w23286
October 2016 Multidimensional Private Information, Market Structure and Insurance Markets
with Zenan Wu: w22773
March 2016 Detecting Potential Overbilling in Medicare Reimbursement via Hours Worked
with Qing Gong: w22084
December 2015 The Dynamics of Adjustable-Rate Subprime Mortgage Default: A Structural Estimation
with You Suk Kim, Wenli Li: w21810
October 2015 Rosca Meets Formal Credit Market
with Rongzhu Ke, Li-An Zhou: w21683
May 2015 Demystifying the Chinese Housing Boom
with Quanlin Gu, Wei Xiong, Li‐An Zhou
in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2015, Volume 30, Martin Eichenbaum and Jonathan A. Parker, editors
Mothers' Employment and Children's Educational Gender Gap
with Xiaodong Fan, Simen Markussen: w21183
April 2015 Demystifying the Chinese Housing Boom
with Quanlin Gu, Wei Xiong, Li-An Zhou: w21112
October 2014 Insurance Markets for the Elderly
Published: Insurance Markets for the Elderly, in Handbook of the Economics of Population Ageing , Volume 1A, Chapter 5, p. 237-309, edited by John Piggott and Alan Woodland, November 2016.
July 2014 The Gradients of Power: Evidence from the Chinese Housing Market
with Quanlin Gu, Li-An Zhou: w20317
September 2013 Inference of Bidders' Risk Attitudes in Ascending Auctions with Endogenous Entry
with Xun Tang: w19435
January 2013 Equilibrium Labor Market Search and Health Insurance Reform
with Naoki Aizawa: w18698
July 2012 Testing for Racial Prejudice in the Parole Board Release Process: Theory and Evidence
with Shamena Anwar: w18239
March 2012 Why Do Life Insurance Policyholders Lapse? The Roles of Income, Health and Bequest Motive Shocks
with Edward Kung: w17899
September 2011 An Experimental Study of Alternative Campaign Finance Systems: Donations, Elections and Policy Choices
with Dmitry A. Shapiro, Arthur Zillante: w17384
March 2011 Testing for the Role of Prejudice in Emergency Departments Using Bounceback Rates
with Shamena Anwar: w16888
October 2010 Estimating Dynamic Discrete Choice Models with Hyperbolic Discounting, with an Application to Mammography Decisions
with Yang Wang: w16438
April 2010 Theories of Statistical Discrimination and Affirmative Action: A Survey
with Andrea Moro: w15860
Published: Theories of Statistical Discrimination and A
rmative Action: A Survey, (with Andrea Moro), Handbook of Social Economics, Vol I, edited by Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bisin, and Matthew Jackson, North-Holland, November 2010, 76 pages.
February 2010 How Does Life Settlement Affect the Primary Life Insurance Market?
with Edward Kung: w15761
October 2009 Microinsurance, Trust and Economic Development: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment
with Hongbin Cai, Yuyu Chen, Li-An Zhou: w15396
April 2009 Does Affirmative Action Lead to Mismatch? A New Test and Evidence
with Peter Arcidiacono, Esteban M. Aucejo, Kenneth I. Spenner: w14885
February 2008 Toward an Efficiency Rationale for the Public Provision of Private Goods
with Peter Norman: w13827
Toward an Efficiency Rationale for the Public Provision of Private Goods (with Peter Norman), This Version, June 2012, forthcoming, Economic Theory. citation courtesy of
Optimal Provision of Multiple Excludable Public Goods
with Peter Norman: w13797
October 2007 Observational Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment
with Hongbin Cai, Yuyu Chen: w13516
September 2007 Dynamic Inefficiencies in Employment-Based Health Insurance System Theory and Evidence
with Alessandro Gavazza: w13371
Time-Inconsistency and Welfare Program Participation: Evidence from the NLSY
with Dan Silverman: w13375
June 2006 Sources of Advantageous Selection: Evidence from the Medigap Insurance Market
with Michael P. Keane, Dan Silverman: w12289
September 2005 Eat, Drink, Firms and Government: An Investigation of Corruption from Entertainment and Travel Costs of Chinese Firms
with Hongbin Cai, Lixin Colin Xu: w11592
August 2005 Separate When Equal? Racial Inequality and Residential Segregation
with Patrick Bayer, Robert McMillan: w11507
April 2005 An Alternative Test of Racial Prejudice in Motor Vehicle Searches: Theory and Evidence
with Shamena Anwar: w11264