预防癌症是时下最热门的话题之一,在医疗保健,并得到越来越多的关注,在医疗领域的临床研究人员对本病认识进一步移动。现在,一些早期的信念,认为几年前的“迷信”有坚实的临床证据。 基本上,有4个领域,我们应着眼于: 一个聪明,聪明的饮食; 做一个温和的,恒定的体力活动; ?“积极思维”在你的日常工作; 生活在一个干净,安全的环境中,从我们呼吸的空气。 我们吃,每天3-4次。 这很容易理解,我们是我们吃什么和如何。 Cancer Prevention is nowadays one of the hottest topics in healthcare, and is getting more and more interest from clinical researchers in the medical field as the knowledge of the disease moves further. Some of the early beliefs, considered years ago as “superstition” have now solid clinical evidence. Basically, there are 4 fields which we should focus on: Following an intelligent, smart diet; Doing a moderate, constant physical activity; “Thinking positive” in your everyday tasks; Living in a clean, safe environment, starting from the air we breathe. We eat 3-4 times a day. It’s easy to understand that we are what and how we eat.