2005年,任香港科技大学经济系讲席教授(Chair Professor)。
2022年7月28日,全职加盟浙江大学青山商学高等研究院,受聘为首位青山讲席教授。9月,入选世界计量经济学会院士(Fellow of the Econometric Society),成为亚洲地区唯一当选学者。
Review of Economic Studies)》《
Journal of Econometrics)》《计量经济学理论(Econometric Theory)》《统计年刊(
Annals of Statistics)》《美国统计协会杂志(Journal of American Statistical Association)》《商业与经济统计杂志(Journal of Business and Economic Statistics)》等国际学术期刊发表论文四十余篇。
1. Wang X. and S. Chen, (2022c) Partial Identification and Estimation of Semiparametric Ordered Response Models with Interval Regressor Data[J], Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
2. Chen, S and Q. Wang, (2022b) Quantile Regression with Censoring and Sample[J], Journal of Econometrics.
3. Chen, S., X. Lun and X. Wang (2022a) Nonparametric Estimation of Generalized Transformation Models with Fixed Effects[J], Econometric Theory.
4. Wang, Q. and Chen, S.(2021), Moment estimation for censored quantile regression[J],Econometric Review, 40, (9), 815-829.
5. Chen, S. and H. Zhang (2020c). √n-prediction of generalized heteroscedastic transformation regression models[J], Journal of Econometrics, v. 215, (2), 305-340.
6. Chen, S. and Q. Wang (2020b), Semiparametric estimation of a censored regression model with endogeneity[J], Journal of Econometrics, v. 215, 239-256.
7. Wang, X. and S. Chen (2020a), Semiparametric estimation of generalized transformation panel data models with nonstationary error[J], Econometrics Journal, v. 23, (3), 386-402.
9. Chen, S.(2019b) Quantile Regression for Duration Models With Time-varying Regressors[J], Journal of Econometrics, 209, 1-17.
10. Chen, S. (2019a) Quantile Regression for Duration Models With Time-varying Regressors[J], Journal of Econometrics, 209, 1-17.
11. Chen, S. (2018d) Sequential estimation of censored quantile regression models[J], Journal of Econometrics, v. 207, (1), 30-52.
12. Chen, S. and X. Wang (2018c) Semiparametric Estimation of a Panel Data Model without Monotonicity or Separability[J], Journal of Econometrics, 206, 515-530.
13. Chen, S., X. Lun, X. Zhou and Y. Zhou (2018b) Nonparametric Identication and Estimation of Truncated Regression Models with Heteroskedasticity[J], forthcoming in Econometric Theory, 34, 543-573.
14. Chen, S., Y. Zhou and Y. Ji. (2018a) Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Sample Selection Models Under Symmetry[J],Journal of Econometrics, 202, 148-160.
15. Chen, S. and J. Si, H. Zhang and Y. Zhou (2017). Root-N Consistent Estimation of A Panel Data Binary Response Model with Unknown Correlated Random Effects[J], Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 35:4, 559-571.
16. Chen, S. and S. Khan and X. Tang (2016). Informational Content of Special Regressors in Heteroskedastic Binary Response Models[J], Journal of Econometrics, 193, 162–182.
17. Chen, S. and H. Zhang (2015). Binary Quantile Regression with Local Polynomial Smoothing[J], Journal of Econometrics, 189, 24-40.
18. Chen, S., C. Hsiao and L. Wang (2012). Measurement Errors and Censored Structural Latent Variables Models[J], ECONOMETRIC THEORY, 696-703.
19. Chen, S. (2012). Distribution-free Estimation of the Box-Cox Regression Model with Censoring[J], ECONOMETRIC THEORY, 680-695.
20. Chen, S. and X. Zhou (2012). Semiparametric Estimation of a Truncated Regression Model[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 167, 297–304.
21. Chen, S. and X. Zhou (2011) Semiparametric Estimation of a Bivariate Tobit Model[J], JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS. 165, 266-274.
22. Chen, S. (2010). Root-N-Consistent Estimation of Fixed-Effect Panel Data Transformation Models with Censoring[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 159, 222-234.
23. Chen, S. and Y. Zhou (2010) Semiparametric and Nonparametric Estimation of Sample Selection Models Under Symmetry[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 157, 143-150.
24. Chen, S. (2010). An Integrated Maximum Score Estimator for a Generalized Censored Quantile Regression Model[J], JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 155, 90-98.
25. Chen, S. (2010). Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Truncated Regression Models[J], REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, Vol. 77, 127-153.
26. Chen, S. and S. Khan (2008). Quantile Estimation of Non-Stationary Panel Data Censored Regression Models with Factor loads[J], ECONOMETRIC THEORY, 24, 1149-1173.
27. Chen, S. and L. Zhou (2007). Local partial likelihood estimation in proportional hazards regression[J], ANNALS OF STATISTICS, 35, 888-916.
28. Chen, S. and Y. Zhou (2007). Estimating a Generalized Correlation Coefficient for a Generalized Bivariate Probit Model[J], JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 141, 1100-1114.
29. Chen, S. and Y. Zhou (2007). A Simple Matching method for Estimating Sample Selection Models Using Experimental Data[J],Annals of Economics and Finance, 6, 155-167.
30. Chen, S., G. B. Dahl and S. Khan (2005). Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of a Location-Scale Regression Model[J], JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 100, no. 469, 212-221.
31. Chen, S. and S Khan (2003). Semiparametric Estimation of a Heteroskedastic Sample Selection Models[J],ECONOMETRIC THEORY, 19, 1040-1064.
32. Chen, S. and S. Khan (2003). Rates of Convergence for Estimating Regression Coefficients in Heteroscedastic Discrete Response[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 117, 245-278.
33. Chen, S. (2002). Rank Estimation of Transformation Models[J],ECONOMETRICA, 70, 1683-1697.
34. Chen, S. and S. Khan (2001). Semparametric Estimation of a Partially linear Censored Regression Model[J], ECONOMETRIC THEORY, 17, 567-590.
35. Chen, S. (2000). Efficient Estimation of Binary Choice Models Under Symmetry[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 96, 183-199.
36. Chen, S and S. Khan (2000) Estimating Censored Regression Models in the Presence of Nonparametric Multiplicative Heteroskedasticity[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 98, 283-316.
37. Chen, S. (2000). Rank Estimation of a Location Parameter in the Binary Choice Model[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 98, 317-334.
38. Bilias, B., S. Chen and Z. Ying (2000). Simple Resampling Methods for Censored Regression Quantiles[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 99, 373-386.
39. Chen, S. (2000). Semiparametric Estimation of a Location Parameter in the Binary Choice Model[J], ECONOMETRIC THEORY, 15, 79-98.
40. Chen, S (1999). Distribution-free Estimation of the Random Coefficient Dummy Endogenous Variable Model[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 91, 171-199.
41. Chen, S. and L. F. Lee (1998). Efficient Semiparametric Scoring Estimation of Sample Selection Models[J],ECONOMETRIC THEORY, 14, 423-462.
42. Chen, S (1997). Semiparametric Estimation of the Type 3 Tobit Model[J],JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 80, 1-35.
43. Chen, S. (1996). Semiparametric Efficiency Bound for the Type 3 Tobit Model under a Symmetric Restriction[J],Economics Letters, 50, 161-167, 1996.
44. Chen, S. (1994). Semiparametric Median Estimation of the Type 3 Tobit Model[J],Economics Letters, 44, 349-352.