车炼强,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,动物营养研究所副所长;现为四川省学术与技术带头人、第十五届四川省青年科技奖获得者、入选国家百千万人才工程并被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号、庆祝共和国70周年纪念章获得者;中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会猪营养专题委员委副主任、养猪学分会理事;研究领域为母猪营养与后代健康、新生仔猪营养。先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、四川省国际科技合作项目、欧盟Erasmus-CONNEC博士后基金等政府及校企项目30余项;在宫内发育迟缓仔猪生长发育及营养调控,母体营养与后代健康等领域开展创新研究并获得了重要研究成果;在《Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry》、《European Journal of Nutrition》和《Journal of Animal Science》等营养学及动物科学领域著名杂志发表学术论文100余篇;副主编国家规划教材和标准化养殖图册两部,参与制定最新版国家标准《猪营养需要》(2020),授权国家专利4项;主持获科技部社会力量大北农科技成果二等奖,主研获国家科技进步二等奖、四川省科技进步一等奖和通威科技创新产学研合作奖等科技奖励。
2019.11 - ,四川农业大学,动物营养研究所,教授
2007.07-2007.09,美国伊利诺伊大学, 访问学者
主持承担国家自然科学基金、国家“十三五”重点研发计划、四川省杰出青年科技基金、法国安迪苏(Addessio Inc.)及美国NOVUS国际项目等政府及校企合作项目资助30余项。
1. Che L., Q. Zhou, Y.Liu, L.Hu, X. Peng, C.Wu, R.N. Zhang, J.Y. Tang, F.L. Wu, Z.F. Fang, Y.Lin, S.Y.Xu, B. Feng, J.Li, P.P. Jiang, D. Wu and D.W.Chen (2019) Flaxseed oil supplementation improves intestinal function and immunity, associating with altered intestinal microbiome and fatty acids profile in pigs with intrauterine growth retardation, Food & Function(SCI,IF=3.241, 第一作者)
2. Che, L., L. Hu, C. Wu, Q. Xu, Q.Zhou, X. Peng, Z. F. Fang, Y. Lin, S. Y. Xu, B. Feng, J. L, D Wu, P.K.Theil. (2019) Effects of increased energy and amino acid intake in late gestation on reproductive performance, milk composition, metabolic, and redox status of sows,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE(SCI,IF=1.697, 第一作者)
3. Che, L., L. Hu, Q.Zhou, X. Peng, Y.Liu, Y.H. Luo, Z. F. Fang, Y. Lin, S. Y. Xu, B. Feng, J. Li, J.Y.Tang and D.Wu. (2019) Microbial insight into dietary protein source affects intestinal function of pigs with intrauterine growth retardation. European Journal of Nutrition. (SCI,IF= 4.423, 第一作者)
4. Che, L., Q. Xu, C. Wu , Y.H. Luo, X.B Huang, B. Zhang, E. Auclair, T. Kiros, Z. F. Fang, Y. Lin, S. Y. Xu, B. Feng, J. Li and D Wu (2017) Effects of dietary live yeast supplementation on growth performance, diarrhoea severity, intestinal permeability and immunological parameters of weaned piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88. British Journal of Nutrition, 118(11): 949-958. (SCI,IF=3.657,第一作者).
5. Che, L., X. Peng, L. Hu, C. Wu, Q. Xu, Z. F. Fang, Y. Lin, S. Y. Xu, J. Li, B. Feng, G. Tian, R. N. Zhang, H. Sun, D. Wu, D. W. Chen. (2017) The addition of protein-bound amino acids in low-protein diets improves the metabolic and immunological characteristics in fifteen- to thirty-five-kg pigs. J Anim Sci 95(3): 1277-1287.(SCI,IF=2.014,第一作者)
6. Peng X., Yan C., Hu L., Y. Liu, Q Xu, R Wang, L L Qin, C Wu, Z F Fang, Y Lin, S Y Xu, B Feng, Y Zhuo, J L, D. Wu and L.Che (2019)Effects of Fat Supplementation during Gestation on Reproductive Performance, Milk Composition of Sows and Intestinal Development of Their Offspring. Animals, 9(4): 125.(SCI,IF=1.832, 通讯作者)
7. Peng X., R. Wang, L. Hu, Q. Zhou, Y. Liu, M. Yang, Z. F. Fang, Y. Lin, S. Y. Xu, B. Feng, J. Li, X. M. Jiang, Y. Zhuo, H. Li, D. Wu and L.Che (2019) Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 Administration Improves the Intestinal Health and Immunity in Neonatal Piglets Infected by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 10(72) (SCI,IF=3.441, 通讯作者)
8. Hu Y. , L. Hu, D. S. Gong, H. Lu, Y. Xuan, R, Wang. D. Wu, D. W Chen, K. Y. Zhang, F. Gao, L. Che (2018) Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in jejunum of Sus scrofa with intrauterine growth restriction. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 1-12. (SCI,IF=2.734, 通讯作者)
9. Hu L., Peng X, Chen H, Yan C, Liu Y, Xu Q, Fang Z, Lin Y, Xu S, Feng B, L Ji, Wu, L. Che* (2016) Effects of intrauterine growth retardation and Bacillus subtilis PB6 supplementation on growth performance, intestinal development and immune function of piglets during the suckling period. Eur J Nutr:1-13.(SCI,IF= 4.423, 通讯作者)
10. Peng X., Hu L., Liu Y., Yan C., Fang Z.F., Lin Y., Xu S.Y., Li J., Wu C.M., Chen D.W., Sun H., Wu D., L.Che (2016) Effects of low-protein diets supplemented with indispensable amino acids on growth performance, intestinal morphology and immunological parameters in 13 to 35 kg pigs. animal -1(11):1-9.(SCI,IF=1.508,通讯作者)
11. 骆光波, 苏国旗, 胡亮, 罗毅, 玄月, 方正锋, 林燕, 徐盛玉, 车炼强, 吴德 (2014) 饲粮中添加酵母细胞壁对母猪繁殖性能、乳成分和免疫指标的影响. 动物营养学报 26(5):1353-1361.(CSCD,通讯作者)
1.《猪标准规模养殖图册》,中国农业出版社,2013-01月;副主编; 分类号:S828-64,字数:321千字,页码175页; ISBN 978-7-109-17348-4
2《动物营养与饲料学实验技能教程》,西南师范大学出版社,2014-05月;副主编;分类号:S816,字数:400千字,页码:245页;ISBN 978-7-5621-6758-7
1. 国家科技进步二等奖(2018),“猪抗病营养技术体系创建与应用”,排名2
2. 国家科技部社会力量大北农科技成果二等奖(2015), “营养调控宫内发育迟缓仔猪生长发育关键技术研究与应用”,排名1
3. 四川省科技进步一等奖(2019),“碳水化合物提高母猪繁殖效率的调控机制研究与应用”,排名6
4. 四川省科技进步二等奖(2017),“弱小仔猪生长发育及营养调控关键技术研究与应用”,排名2
5. 通威科技创新基金产学研合作奖(2014),“规模化猪场新生仔猪(弱小仔猪)的营养强化技术研究与应用”,排名1
最新修订时间:2024-08-12 16:39