《规范场理论(第2版)》主要内容:This book has its origin in a long series of lectures given at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University. It is addressed to graduate students and to young research workers in theoretical physics who have some knowledge of quantum field theory in its canonical formulation, for instance at the level of two volumes by Bjorken & Drell (1964, 1965). The book is intended to be a relatively concise reference to some of the field theoretical tools used in contemporary research in the theory of fundamental interactions. It is a technical book and not easy reading. Physical problems are discussed only as illustrations of certain theoretical ideas and of computational methods. No attempt has been made to review systematically the present status of the theory of fundamental interactions.
Preface to the First Edition
0 Introduction
0.1 Gauge invariance
0.2 Reasons for gauge theories of strong and electroweak interactions
Electroweak theory
1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking
1.1 The action, equations of motion, symmetries and conservation laws
Equations of motion
Global symmetries
Space-time transformations
1.2 Classical field equations
Scalar field theory and spontaneous breaking of global symmetries
Spinor fields
1.3 Gauge field theories
U(1) gauge symmetry
Non-abelian gauge symmetry
1.4 From Classical to quantum fields (canonical quantization)
Scalar fields
The Feynman propagator
Spinor fields
Symmetry transformations for quantum ields
1.5 Discrete symmetries
Space reflection
Time reversal
Charge conjugation
Summary and the CPT transformations
CP violation in the neutral K0-K0-system
2 Path integral formulation of quantum field theory
2.1 Path integrals in quantum mechanics
Transition matrix elements as path integrals
Matrix elements of position operators
2.2 Vacuum-to-vacuum transitions and the imaginary time formalism
General discussion
Harmonic oscillator
Euclidean Green's functions
2.3 Path integral formulation of quantum field theory
Green's functions as path integrals
Action quadratic in fields
Gaussian integration
2.4 Introduction to perturbation theory
Perturbation theory and the generating functional
Wick's theorem
An example: four-point Green's function in λφ4
Momentum space
2.5 Path integrals for fermions; Grassmann algebra
Anticommuting c-numbers
Dirac propagator
2.6 Generating functionals for Green's functions and proper vertices; effective
Classification of Green's functions and generating functionals
Effective action
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and effective action
Effective potential
2.7 Green's functions and the scattering operator
3 Feynman rules for Yang-Mills theories
3.1 The Faddeev-Popov determinant
Gauge invariance and the path integral
Faddeev-Popov determinant
Non-covariant gauges
3.2 Feynman rules for QCD
Calculation of the Faddeev-Popov determinant
Feynman rules
3.3 Unitarity, ghosts, Becchi-Rouet-Stora transformation
Unitarity and ghosts
BRS and anti-BRS symmetry
4 Introduction to the theory of renormalization
4.1 Physical sense of renormalization and its arbitrariness
Bare and 'physical' quantities
Counterterms and the renormalization conditions
5 Quantum electrodynamics
6 Renormalization group
7 Scale invariance and operator product expansion
8 Quantum chromodynamics
9 Chiral symmetry; spontaneous symmetry breading
10 Spontaneous and explicit global symmetry breaking
11 Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism in gauge theories
12 Standard electroweak theory
13 Chiral anomalies
14 Effective lagrangians
15 Introduction to supersymmetry
Appendix A: Spinors and their properties
Appendix B: Feynman rules for QED and QCD and Feynman integrals
Appendix C: Feynman rules for the Standard Model
Appendix D: One-loop Feynman integrals
Appendix E: Elements of group theory