蜂蜜混合是WALLABEE同伴的应用程序 iPhone 5支持 如果发现当前产品组合的一部分,它可以做什么 根据您的观察名单,编号范围,以及具体的数字来寻找项目上进行项目搜索 使用地图或您当前的位置 在市场上 在朋友的袋 不断更新与最新的项目,并设定发布 解锁所有的功能与最终强夺捆绑 为iPhone和iPad通用的应用程序 确定在哪里可以找到项目。 HoneyBlend is a c ompanion app for WallaBee iPhone 5 support Reveals if the current item is part of a mix and what it can make Perform item searches based on your watch list, number ranges, and specific numbers to find items - using the map or your current location - on the market - in your friends' pouches Keep up to date with the latest Items and set releases Unlock all the functionality with The Ultimate Forager Bundle Universal app for the iPhone and iPad Determine where to find items. Whether it's: - Where to forage - Whether the item is scheduled to appear in the store - How to create items by mixing Set Checklists - Let HoneyBlend tell you which items you need in order to complete a set. Unique & Branded items support! View available items in the market! Find out how many items have been issued Retina image support - View the WallaBee artwork in stunning High Definition on your Retina device Improvement Filter and show the number you have saved in your set Lock filter