1995年-1997年,舒红兵在美国Tularik公司David Goeddel实验室做博士后。
1. Shu HB, Agranoff A, Nabel EG, Leung K, Neish AS, Collins , Nabel GJ* (1993). Differential regulation of VCAM-1 gene expression by specific NF-B subunits in endothelial and epithelial cells. Mol Cell Biol 13:6283-6289.
2. Shu HB, Li Z, Palacios MJ, Li Q, Joshi HC* (1995). A transient association ofgamma-tubulin at the midbody is required for the completion of cytokinesis during the mammalian cell division. J Cell Sci 108: 2955-2962.
3. Shu HB , Joshi HC* (1995). gamma-Tubulin can both neacleate microtubule assembly and self-assemble into tubular structures in mammalian cells. J Cell Biol 130:1137-1147.
4. Hsu H, Shu HB, Pan MG, Goeddel DV* (1996). TRADD-TRAF2 and TRADD-FADD interactionss define two distinct TNF receptor-1 signal transduction pathways. Cell 84:299-308.
5. Shu HB, Takeuchi M, Goeddel DV* (1996). The TNF receptor 2 sducers TRAF2 and c-IAP1 are components of the TNF receptor 1 signaling complex. P Natl Acad Sci USA 93:13973-13978.
6. Shu HB, Halpins DR, Goeddel DV* (1997). Casper is a FADD and Caspase-related Inducer of Apoptosis. Immunity 6:751-763.
7. Yeh WC, Pompa JL, McCurrach ME, Shu HB, Elia AJ, Shahinian A, Ng M, Wajegam A, Mithchell K, El-Deiry WS, Lowe SW, Goeddel DV M,ak TW* (1998). FADD: essential for embryonic development and signaling from some, but not all, inducers of apoptosis. Science 279:1954-1958.
8. Shu HB, Hu WH, Johnson H (1999). TALL-1 is a novel member of the TNF family that is downregulated by mitogens. J Leukocyte Biol 65:680-683.
9. Hu WH, Johnson H, Shu HB* (1999). TRAIL signal NFB and JNK activation and apoptosis through distinct pathways. J Biol Chem 274:30603-30610.
10. Hu WH, Johnson H, Shu HB* (2000). Activation of NFB by FADD, Casper and Caspase-8. J Biol Chem 275:10838-10844.
11. Shu HB, Johnson H (2000). BCMA is a receptor for the TNF family member TALL-1. P Natl Acad Sci USA 97:9156-9161.
12. Yeh WC, Itie A, Elia AJ, Ng M, Shu HB, Wakeham, A., Mirtsos, C, Suzuki N, Bonnard M, Goedde, DV, and Mak TW* (2000). Requirement for Casper (c-FLIP) in regulation of death receptor-induced apoptosis and embryonic development. Immunity 12:633-642.
13. Chen D, Li X, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2002). A novel zinc finger protein interacts with RIP and inhibits TNF- and IL-1-induced NF-B activation. J Biol Chem. 277:15985-15991.
14. Liu Y, Xu L, Opalka N, Kappler J, Shu HB, Zhang G* (2002). Crystal structure of sTALL-1 reveals a virus-like assembly of TNF family ligands. Cell 108: 383-394.
15. Wu M, Xu L, Li X, Zhai Z , Shu HB* (2002). AMID, an AIF homologous mitochondrion-associated protein, induces caspase-independent apoptosis. J Biol Chem 277:25617-25623.
16. Xu L, Shu HB* (2002). TRAF3 is associated with BAFF-R and negatively regulates BAFF-R-mediated NF-B activation and IL10 production. J Immunol 169: 6883-6889.
17. Liu Y, Hong X, Kappler J, Jiang L, Zhang R, Xu L Pan CH, Martin WE, Murphy RC, Shu HB, Dai S, and Zhang G* (2003). Ligand-receptor binding revealed by the TNF family member TALL-1. Nature 423:49-56.
18. Wu M, Xu L, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2003). SINK: a p65-interacting protein that negatively regulates NF-B-dependent transcription. J Biol Chem 278:27072-27079.
19. Bin L, Xu L, Shu HB* (2003). TIRP: a novel TIR domain-containing adapter protein involved in toll/interleukin-1 receptor signaling. J Biol Chem 27:24526-24532.
20. Bin L, Nielson LD, Liu X, Mason RJ, Shu HB* (2003). Identification of UGRP1 and MARCO as a lung-specific ligand-receptor pair. J Immunol 171:924-930.
21. Zhang J, Xu LG, Han KJ, Shu HB* (2004). Identification of a ZU5 and death domain containing inhibitor of NF-B. J Biol Chem 279:17819-17825.
22. Han KJ, Su X, Xu LG, Bin LH, Zhang J, Shu HB* (2004). Mechanisms of TRIF-induced ISRE and NF-kappa B activation and apoptosis pathways. J Biol Chem 279:15652-15661.
23. Huang J, Teng L, Li L, Liu T, Li L, Chen D, Xu LG, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2004). ZNF216 is an A20-like and IKKgamma-interacting inhibitor of NF-kappa B activation. J Biol Chem 279:16847-16853.
24. Xu LG, Li LY, Shu HB* (2004). TRAF7 potentiates MEKK3-induced AP1 and CHOP activation and induces apoptosis. J Biol Chem 279:17278-17282.
25. Wang YY, Li L, Han KJ, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2004). A20 is a potent inhibitor of TLR3- and Sendai virus-induced activation of NF-B and ISRE and IFN-beta promoter. FEBS Lett 576: 86-90.
26. Li L, Bin LH, Li F, Liu Y, Chen D, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2005). TRIP6 is a RIP2-associated common signaling component of multiple NF-B activation pathways. J Cell Sci 118:555-563.
27. Xu LG, Wang YY, Han KJ, Li LY, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2005). VISA is an adapter protein required for virus-triggered signaling. Mol Cell 19:727-740.
28. Huang J, Liu T, Chen D, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2005). SIKE is an IKK-relative kinases-associated suppressor of TLR3- and virus-triggered IRF-3 activation pathways. EMBO J 24:4018-4028.
29. Zha FK, Han K, Xu LG, Zhou Q, Chen D, Zhai Z, Shu HB* (2006). The Ret finger protein inhibits signaling mediated by the noncanonical and canonical IKK family members. J Immunol 176:1072-1080.
30. Tian Y, Zhang Y, Zhong B, Wang YY, Diao FC, Wang RP, Zhang M, Chen DY, Zhai ZH, Shu HB* (2007). RBCK1 negatively regulates tumor necrosis factor- and interleukin-1-triggered NF-kappaB activation by targeting TAB2/3 for degradation. J Biol Chem 282:16776-16782.
31. Diao F, Li S, Tian Y, Zhang M, Xu LG, Zhang Y, Wang RP, Chen D, Zhai Z, Zhong B, Tien P, Shu HB* (2007). Negative regulation of MDA5- but not RIG-I-mediated innate antiviral signaling by the dihydroxyacetone kinase. P Natl Acad Sci USA 104:11706-11711.
32. Zhang BC, Huang J, Li HL, Liu T, Wang YY, Waterman P, Mao AP, Xu LG, Zhai Z, Liu D, Marrack P, Shu HB* (2008). GIDE is a mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase that induces apoptosis and slows growth. Cell Res 18:900-910.
33. Zhong B, Yang Y, Li S, Wang YY, Li Y, Diao F, Lei C, He X, Zhang L, Tien P, Shu HB* (2008). The Adaptor Protein MITA Links Virus-Sensing Receptors to IRF3 Transcription Factor Activation. Immunity 29:538-550.
34. Zhang M, Tian Y, Wang RP, Gao D, Zhang Y, Diao FC, Chen DY, Zhai ZH, Shu HB* (2008). Negative feedback regulation of cellular antiviral signaling by RBCK1-mediated degradation of IRF3. Cell Res 18:1096-1104.
35. Zhong B, Zhang L, Lei Z, Li Y, Mao AP, Yang Y, Wang YY, Zhang XL, Shu HB* (2009). RNF5 negatively regulates virus-induced IRF3 activation via ubiquitination and degradation of MITA. Immunity 30:397-407.
36. Li Y, Li C, Xue P, Zhong B, Mao AP, Ran Y, Chen H, Wang YY, Yang F, Shu HB* (2009). ISG56 is a negative feedback regulator of virus-triggered signaling and cellular antiviral response. P Natl Acad Sci USA 106:7945-7950.
37. Wang YY, Liu LJ, Zhong B, Liu TT, Li Y, Yang Y, Ran Yong, Li S, Tien P, Shu HB* (2010). WDR5 is essential for assembly of the VISA-associated signaling complex and virus-triggered IRF3 and NF-B activation. P Natl Acad Sci USA 107:815-820.
38. Li S, Zheng H, Mao AP, Zhong B, Li Y, Liu Y, Gao Y, Ran Y, Tien P, Shu, HB* (2010). Regulation of virus-triggered signaling by OTUB1- and OTUB2-mediated deubiquitination of TRAF3 and TRAF6. J Biol Chem 285:4291-4297.
39. Mao AP, Li S, Zhong B, Li Y, Yan J, Li Q, Teng C, Shu HB* (2010). Virus-triggered ubiquitination of TRAF3/6 by cIAP1/2 is essential for induction of interferon-beta (IFN-beta) and cellular antiviral response. J Biol Chem 285:9470-9476.
40. Han KJ, Yang Y, Xu LG, Shu HB* (2010). Analysis of a TIR-less splice variant of TRIF reveals an unexpected mechanism of TLR3-mediated signaling. J Biol Chem 285:12543-12550.
41. Zhong B, Zhang Y, Tan B, Liu TT, Wang YY, Shu HB* (2010). The E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF5 targets virus-induced signaling adaptor for ubiquitination and degradation. J Immunol 184:6249-6255.
42. Chen R, Zhang L, Zhong B, Tan B, Liu Y, Shu HB* (2010). The ubiquitin-specific protease 17 is involved in virus-triggered type I IFN signaling. Cell Res 20:802-811.
43. Lei CQ, Zhong B, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Shu HB* (2010). GSK3 regulates virus-triggered IRF3 activation and cellular antiviral response by promoting TBK1 activation. Immunity 33:878-889.
44. Ran Y, Liu TT, Zhou Q, Li S, Mao AP, Li Y, Liu LJ, Cheng JK, Shu HB* (2011). SENP2 negatively regulates cellular antiviral response by deSUMOylating IRF3 and conditioning it for ubiquitination and degradation. J Mol Cell Biol. 2:283-292.
45. Li Q, Yan J, Mao AP, Li C, Ran Y, Shu HB*, Wang YY* (2011). Tripartite motif 8 (TRIM8) modulates TNF- and IL-1-triggered NF-B activation by targeting TAK1 for K63-linked polyubiquitination. P Natl Acad Sci USA 108:19341-19346.
46. Liu LJ, Liu TT, Ran Y, Li Y, Zhang XD, Shu HB*, Wang YY* (2012). The E3 ubiquitin ligase MIB1 negatively regulates basal IB level and modulates NF-B activation. Cell Res 22:603-606.
47. Liu Y, Song R, Gao Y, Li Y, Wang S, Liu HY, Wang Y, Hu YH, Shu HB* (2012). Protein kinase C-δ negatively regulates T cell receptor-induced NF-kB activation by inhibiting the assembly of CARMA1 signalosome. J Biol Chem 287:20081-20087.
48. Li Y, Chen R, Zhou Q, Xu Z, Li C, Wang S, Mao A, Zhang X, He W, Shu HB* (2012). LSm14A is a processing body-associated sensor of viral nucleic acids that initiates cellular antiviral response in the early phase of viral infection. P Natl Acad Sci USA 109:11770-11775.
49. Wang YY, Ran Y, Shu HB* (2012).Linear ubiquitination of NEMO brakes the antiviral response.Cell Host Microbe 12:129-131.
50. Zhang J, Hu MM, Wang YY, Shu HB* (2012). TRIM32 protein modulates type I interferon induction and cellular antiviral response by targeting MITA/STING protein for K63-linked ubiquitination. J Biol Chem 287:28646-28655.
51. Chen R, Li M, Zhang Y, Zhou Q, Shu HB* (2012). The E3 ubiquitin ligase MARCH8 negatively regulates IL-1β-induced NF-κB activation by targeting the IL1RAP coreceptor for ubiquitination and degradation. P Natl Acad Sci USA 109:14128-14133.
52. Zheng H, Li Q, Chen R, Zhang J, Ran Y, He X, Li S, Shu HB* (2013).Dual-specificity phosphatase 14 (DUSP14) negatively regulates TNF-a and IL-1-induced NF-κB activation by dephosphorylating the protein kinase TAK1. J Biol Chem 288:819-825.
53. He X, Li Y, Li C, Liu LJ, Zhang XD, Liu Y*, Shu HB*(2013). USP2a negatively regulates IL-1-and virus-induced NF-B activation by deubiquitinating TRAF6. J Mol Cell Biol 5: 39-47.
54. Yang Y, Liao B, Wang SY, Yan BR, Jin Y, Shu HB, Wang YY*(2013). E3 ligase WWP2 negatively regulates TLR3-mediated innate immune response by targeting TRIF for ubiquitination and degradation. P Natl Acad Sci USA 110:5115-5120.
55. Chen H, Li Y, Zhang J, Ran Y, Wei J, Yang Y, Shu HB*(2013) .RAVER1 is a coactivator of MDA5-mediated cellular antiviral response. J Mol Cell Biol 5: 111-119.
56. Lei CQ, Zhang Y, Xia T, Jiang LQ, Zhong B, Shu HB*(2013). FoxO1 Negatively Regulates Cellular Antiviral Response by Promoting Degradation of IRF3. J Biol Chem 288: 12596-12604.
57. Li C, Wei J, Li Y, He X, Zhou Q, Yan J, Zhang J, Liu Y, Liu Y , Shu HB* (2013) . Transmembrane Protein 214 (TMEM214) Mediates Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-induced Caspase 4 Enzyme Activation and Apoptosis. J Biol Chem 288: 17908-17917.
58. Hu MM, Yang Q, Zhang J, Liu SM, Zhang Y, Lin H, Huang ZF, Wang YY, Zhang XD, Zhong B, Shu HB*(2014). TRIM38 inhibits TNFα- and IL-1β-triggered NF-κB activation by mediating lysosome-dependent degradation of TAB2/3. P Natl Acad Sci USA. 111:1509-1514.
59. Yan J, Li Q, Mao AP, Hu MM, Shu HB*(2014). TRIM4 modulates type I interferon induction and cellular antiviral response by targeting RIG-I for K63-linked ubiquitination. J Mol Cell Biol. 6:154-163.
60. Zhang Y, Lei CQ, Hu YH, Xia T, Li M, Zhong B, Shu HB*(2014). Kruppel-like Factor 6 Is a Co-activator of NF-κB That Mediates p65-dependent Transcription of Selected Downstream Genes. J Biol Chem. 289:12876-12885.
61. Qin Y, Zhou MT, Hu MM ,Hu YH, Zhang J, Guo L, Zhong B, Shu HB*(2014). RNF26 temporally regulates virus-triggered type I interferon induction by two distinct mechanisms. Plos Pathog.10:e1004358.
62. Zhou Q, Lin H, Wang SY, Wang S, Ran Y, Liu Y, Ye W, Xiong XZ, Zhong B, Shu HB*, Wang YY*(2014). The ER-associated protein ZDHHC1 is a positive regulator of DNA virus-triggered, MITA/STING-dependent innate immune signaling. Cell Host Microbe. 16:450-461.
63. Ran Y, Shu HB, Wang YY*(2014). MITA/STING: A central and multifaceted mediator in innate immune response. Cytokine & Growth F R. 25: 631-639.
64. Shu HB*, Wang YY*(2014). Adding to the STING. Immunity. 41:871-873.
65. Wei J, Lian H, Zhong B, Shu HB*(2015). Parafibromin Is a Component of IFN-γ-Triggered Signaling Pathways That Facilitates JAK1/2-Mediated Tyrosine Phosphorylation of STAT1. J Immunol. 195 : 2870-2878.
66. Hu MM, Xie XQ, Yang Q, Liao CY, Ye W, Lin H, Shu HB*(2015).TRIM38 Negatively Regulates TLR3/4-Mediated Innate Immune and Inflammatory Responses by Two Sequential and Distinct Mechanisms. J Immunol. 195: 4415-4425.
67. Li S, Zhu M, Pan R, Fang T, Cao YY, Chen S, Zhao X , Lei CQ, Guo L, Chen Y, Li CM, Jokitalo E, Yin Y, Shu HB, Guo D*(2016). The tumor suppressor PTEN has a critical role in antiviral innate immunity. Nat Immunol. 17(3):241-249.
68. Xu ZS, Zhang HX, Zhang YL , Liu TT, Ran Y, Chen LT , Wang YY, Shu HB*(2016). PASD1 promotes STAT3 activity and tumor growth by inhibiting TC45-mediated dephosphorylation of STAT3 in the nucleus. J Mol Cell Biol. 8: 221-231.
69. Liu TT, Yang Q, Li M, Zhong B, Ran Y, Liu LL, Yang Y, Wang YY, Shu HB*(2016).LSm14A Plays a Critical Role in Antiviral Immune Responses by Regulating MITA Level in a Cell-Specific Manner. J Immunol. 196: 5101-5111.
70. Chen LT, Hu MM, Xu ZS, Liu Y, Shu HB*(2016). MSX1 Modulates RLR-Mediated Innate Antiviral Signaling by Facilitating Assembly of TBK1-Associated Complexes. J Immunol. 197: 199-207.
71. Luo WW, Li S, Li C , Lian H, Yang Q, Zhong, B, Shu, HB*(2016). iRhom2 is essential for innate immunity to DNA viruses by mediating trafficking and stability of the adaptor STING. Nat. Immunol. 17: 1057-1066.
72. Hu MM, Yang Q, Xie XQ, Liao CY, Lin H, Liu TT, Yin L, Shu HB*(2016). Sumoylation Promotes the Stability of the DNA Sensor cGAS and the Adaptor STING to Regulate the Kinetics of Response to DNA Virus. Immunity. 45: 555-569.
73. Fu YZ, Su S, Gao YQ, Wang PP, Huang ZF, Hu MM, Luo WW, Li S, Luo MH, Wang YY, Shu HB*(2017). Human Cytomegalovirus Tegument Protein UL82 Inhibits STING-Mediated Signaling to Evade Antiviral Immunity. Cell Host Microbe. 21(2):231-243.
74. Hu MM, Liao CY, Yang Q, Xie XQ, Shu HB*(2017). Innate immunity to RNA virus is regulated by temporal and reversible sumoylation of RIG-I and MDA5. J Exp Med. 214(4):973-989.
75. Hu MM, Shu HB*(2017). Multifaceted roles of TRIM38 in innate immune and inflammatory responses. Cell Mol Immunol. 14(4):331-338.
76. Ye W, Hu MM, Lei CQ, Zhou Q, Lin H, Sun MS, Shu HB*(2017). TRIM8 Negatively Regulates TLR3/4-Mediated Innate Immune Response by Blocking TRIF-TBK1 Interaction. J Immunol. 199(5):1856-1864.
77. Yang Q, Liu TT, Lin H, Zhang M, Wei J, Luo WW, Hu YH, Zhong B, Hu MM, Shu HB*(2017). TRIM32-TAX1BP1-dependent selective autophagic degradation of TRIF negatively regulates TLR3/4-mediated innate immune responses. PLoS Pathog. 13(9):e1006600.
78. Yan BR, Zhou L, Hu MM, Li M, Lin H, Yang Y, Wang YY, Shu HB*(2017). PKACs attenuate innate antiviral response by phosphorylating VISA and priming it for MARCH5-mediated degradation. PLoS Pathog. 13(9):e1006648.
79. Luo WW, Li S*, Li C, Zheng ZQ, Cao P, Tong Z, Lian H, Wang SY, Shu HB, Wang YY*(2017). iRhom2 is essential for innate immunity to RNA virus by antagonizing ER- and mitochondria-associated degradation of VISA. PLoS Pathog. 13: e1006693.
80. Wei J, Guo W, Lian H, Yang Q, Lin H, Li S*, Shu HB*(2017). SNX8 mediates IFNγ-triggered noncanonical signaling pathway and host defense against Listeria monocytogenes. PNAS. 114:13000-13005.
81. Hu MM, Shu HB*(2018). Cytoplasmic Mechanisms of Recognition and Defense of Microbial Nucleic Acids. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 34:357-379.
82. Luo WW, Shu HB*(2018). Delicate regulation of the cGAS-MITA-mediated innate immune response. Cell Mol Immunol. 15:666-675.
83. Lian H, Wei J, Zang R, Ye W, Yang Q, Zhang XN, Chen YD, Fu YZ, Hu MM, Lei CQ, Luo WW, Li S*, Shu HB*(2018). ZCCHC3 is a co-sensor of cGAS for dsDNA recognition in innate immune response. Nat Commun. 9: 3349
84. Zhang HX, Xu ZS, Lin H, Li M, Xia T, Cui KS, Wang SY, Li YJ, Shu HB*, Wang YY*(2018). TRIM27 mediates STAT3 activation at retromer-positive structures to promote colitis and colitis-associated carcinogenesis. Nat Commun. 9: 3441
85. Lian H, Zang R, Wei J, Ye W, Hu MM, Chen YD, Zhang XN, Guo Y, Lei CQ, Yang Q, Luo WW, Li S*, Shu HB*(2018). The Zinc-Finger Protein ZCCHC3 Binds RNA and Facilitates Viral RNA Sensing and Activation of the RIG-I-like Receptors. Immunity. 49: 438-+.
86. Wei J, Lian H, Guo W, Chen YD, Zhang XN, Zang R, Zhong L, Yang Q, Hu MM, Luo WW, Shu HB*, Li S*(2018). SNX8 modulates innate immune response to DNA virus by mediating trafficking and activation of MITA. PLoS Pathog.14: 10
87. Lin H, Gao D , Hu MM, Zhang M, Wu XX, Feng L, Xu WH, Yang Q, Zhong X, Wei J, Xu ZS, Zhang HX, Song ZM, Zhou Q, Ye W, Liu Y, Li S, Shu HB*(2018). MARCH3 attenuates IL-1 beta-triggered inflammation by mediating K48-linked polyubiquitination and degradation of IL-1RI. PNAS. 115: 12483-12488.
88. Hu MM, He WR, Gao P, Yang Q, He K, Cao LB, Li S, Feng YQ, Shu HB* (2019). Virus-induced accumulation of intracellular bile acids activates the TGR5-β-arrestin-SRC axis to enable innate antiviral immunity. Cell Res. 29(3):193-205.