符若文,男,1958年9月5日,海南人,博士,中山大学化学学院教授、 博士生导师,高分子与材料科学系主任,材料科学研究所副所长,教育部聚合物基复合材料与功能材料重点实验室副主任。农业部“天然橡胶加工重点实验室” 和科学院 “炭材料重点实验室”学术委员会委员。
·1978.2–1981.12 中山大学化学系化学专业(高分子化学与物理)获学士学位;
·1982.2–1984.12 中山大学化学系高分子化学与物理专业获硕士学位;
·1987.2–1990.2 中山大学材料科学研究所高分子化学与物理专业(功能高分子)获博士学位。
·1985.1-1992.12 中山大学材料科学研究所 教师、讲师。
·1992.12-1994.11 中山大学材料科学研究所 副教授
·1993.10-1994.1 香港浸会学院理学院 访问学者。
·2001.6-2002.6 美国麻省理工学院 高级访问学者。
·1994.12- 中山大学材料科学研究所 教授、博士生导师。
·1996年 列入教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划。
·1999年 列入广东省“千百十人才工程”省级培养对象。
·农业部“天然橡胶加工重点实验室” 和科学院 “炭材料重点实验室”学术委员会委员。
1. 研究生课程:“环境材料与功能高分子”。
2. 本科生课程:“高分子物理”,“今日化学(功能高分子材料及应用)”,“高分子物理实验”。
1. “生物亲和性两性功能纤维的制备及对氨基酸分离的研究”, 国家自然科学基金项目, 项目编号59973028,2000 年 1 月至 2002 年 12 月,项目负责人。
2. “功能纤维的极微孔控制及性能研究”,高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目, 2001年1月-2002年12月,项目负责人。
3. “高分子材料的高功能化和高性能化” 广东省自然科学基金研究团队项目,项目编号20003038,2000年-2004年,项目负责人之一。
4. “填充型高分子导电复合材料多元逾渗效应及其相关功能”,国家基金重点项目,项目编号50133020,2002年-2005年,主要参加者。
5. “炭气凝胶的制备及结构研究”,广东省“千百十人才工程”基金项目,2003年1月-2004年12月,项目负责人。
6. “炭气凝胶的制备及性能研究”,留学回国人员科研启动基金, 2003年1月-2004年12月,项目负责人。
7. “新型纳米银/炭气凝胶复合功能材料的研究”, 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金, 2004年1月-2005年12月,项目负责人。
8. “纳米材料三维电极处理难生物降解废水新技术研究”,广东省科技计划项目, 项目批准号:2004A30404001, 2004年9月-2006年12月,项目负责人。
9. “炭气凝胶制备新工艺研究及在超级电容电极中的应用”,国家基金项目,项目批准号:50472029,2005年1月-2007年12月,项目负责人。
1. Xinbo Wu, Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu: “Studies on the adsorption of reactive brilliant red X-3B dye on organic and carbon aerogels”,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 147, 1028-1036.
2. Xinbo Wu, Xiaoqing Yang, Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu: “Feasibility study of using carbon aerogel as particle electrodes for decoloration of RBRX dye solution in a three-phase three-dimensional electrode reactor”.Chem EngJ, 2007,
3. Wenjin Yang, Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu: “Porous Structure and Liquid-phase Adsorption Properties of Activated Carbon Aerogels”.J Appl Polym Sci, 2007,106: 2775-2779.
4. Wenjin Yang, Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu: “Effect of Surface Chemistry on the Adsorption of Basic Dyes on Carbon Aerogels”. Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2007, 312(2-3): 118-124
5. Liu Ning, Zhang Shuting,Fu Ruowen, Dresselhaus Mildred S, Dresselhaus Gene: “Fabrication and structure of carbon aerogel spheres prepared by inverse suspension/emulsion polymerization and ambient pressure drying”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 104(5), 2849-2855
6. LU, Guiqian, Wu Dingcai,Fu Ruowen: “Studies on the synthesis and antibacterial activities of polymeric quaternary ammonium salts from dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate”, Reactive and Functional Polymers, v 67, n 4, April, 2007, p 355-366
7. H. Du, B. Li, F. Kang,R. Fu, Y. Zeng: “Carbon aerogel supported Pt-Ru catalysts for using as the anode ofdirect methanol fuel cells”,Carbon, 2007, 45(2): 429-435
8. H. Du, L. Gan, B. Li, P. Wu, Y. Qiu, F. Kang,R. Fu, Y. Zeng: “Influences of mesopore size on oxygen reduction reaction catalysts of Pt/carbon aerogels”,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111(5): 2040-2043
9. Zhang Bin,Fu Ruowen, Zhang Mingqiu, Dong Xianming, Zhao Bin, Wang Lichang, Pittman Jr. Charles U.: “Studies of the vapor-induced sensitivity of hybrid composites fabricated by filling polystyrene with carbon black and carbon nanofibers”, Composites Part A:Applied Science and Manufacturing, v 37, n 11, November, 2006, p 1884-1889
10. Zhang, Shuting; Wu, Dingcai; Wan, Lin; Tan, Haibing;Fu, Ruowen: “Adsorption and antibacterial activity of silver-dispersed carbon aerogels”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 102, 1030-1037
11. Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu: “Synthesis of organic and carbon aerogels from phenol-furfural by two-step polymerization”,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2006, 96, 115-120
12. Ning Liu, Shuting Zhang,Ruowen Fu,Mildred S. Dresselhaus and Gene Dresselhaus: “Carbon aerogel spheres prepared via alcohol supercritical drying”,Carbon, 2006, 44, 2430-2436
13. Bin Zhang,Ruowen Fu, Mingqiu Zhang, Xianming Dong, Lichang Wang, Charles U. Jr. Pittman: “Gas sensitive vapor grown carbon nanofiber/polystyrene sensors”,Materials Research Bulletin, 2006, 41(3), 553-562
14. Dingcai Wu, Zhuoqi Sun andRuowen Fu: “Structure and adsorption properties of activated carbon aerogels”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 99:2263-2267
15. Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus: “Fabrication and nano-structure control of carbon aerogels via a microemulsion-templated sol-gel polymerization method” ,Carbon, 2006,44(4):675-681
16. Bin Zhang,Ruo Wen Fu, Ming Qiu Zhang, Xian Ming Dong, Pei Liang Lan, Jie Shan Qiu: “Preparation and characterization of gas-sensitive composites from multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polystyrene”,Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 2005, 109/2, pp. 323-328
17. Wu Dingcai,Fu Ruowen: “Fabrication and physical properties of organic and carbon aerogel derived from phenol and furfural”,Journal of Porous Materials, 2005, 12: 311-316
18.Ruowen Fu, Theodore Baumann, Steve Cronin, Gene Dresselhaus, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, and Joe H. SatcherJr.: “Formation of graphitic structures in cobalt- and nickel-doped carbon aerogels”Langmuir, 2005,v 21, n 7, p 2647-2651
19. Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu, Zhiquan Yu: “Organic and carbon aerogels from the NaOH-catalyzed polycondensation of resorcinol-furfural and supercritical drying in ethanol”Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005, v 96, n 4, p 1429-1435
20. Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu, Zhuoqi Sun, Zhiquan Yu: “Low-density organic and carbon aerogels from the sol-gel polymerization of phenol with formaldehyde”,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2005,v 351, n 10-11, p 915-921
21.符若文, 梁敏玲,汤丽鸳,雷勇强,刘宁,林远声:“离子交换纤维对混合氨基酸的分离研究”,高分子科学与工程,2005,21(1),251-254
23. 张斌,符若文,章明秋,董先明,赵斌:“气相生长炭纤维/聚苯乙烯复合材料导电气敏性能的研究”,功能材料,2004,35,1088-1090
24. 刘宁,汤丽鸳,沈璐璐,梁端怡,符若文:“有机气凝胶的磺化研究”,功能材料,2004,35,1697-1699
25. 吴丁财,余志铨,符若文:“间苯二酚-糠醛气凝胶的制备与表征”,功能材料,2004,35,2679-2681
26.Fu, RW,Wang, F,Tang, LY,Lei, YQ,Lui, N,Liang, ML:“Studies on the fabrication of strong-acid/weak-base amphoteric ion exchange fibers and their adsorption property for amino acids”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2004,92,418-425
27. Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu, Shuting Zhang, Mildred S. Dresselhaus and Gene Dresselhaus: “The preparation of carbon aerogels based upon the gelation of resorcinol-furfural in isopropanol with organic base catalyst”,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2004,336(1)26-31
28.Fu RW, Zheng B, Liu J, Weiss S, Ying JY, Dresselhaus MS, Dresselhaus G, Satcher J, Baumann T: “tudies of the chemical and pore structures of the carbon aerogels synthesized by gelation and supercritical drying in isopropanol”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2004, 91 (5): 3060-3067
29. Shuiting Zhang,Ruowen Fu, Dingcai Wu, Wei Xu,Qiwei Ye, Zhangliu Chen: “Preparation and characterization of antibacterial silver-dispersed activated carbon aerogels”,Carbon,vol.42, 2004,3209-3216
30. Dingcai Wu,Ruowen Fu, Shuting Zhang, Mildred S.Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus: “Preparation of low-density carbon aerogels by ambient pressure drying”,Carbon,2004,Vol.42, ,2003-2039
31. Xian Ming DONG,Ruo Wen FU, Ming Qiu ZHANG, Bing ZHANG, and Min Zhi RONG: “Electrical resistance response of carbon black filled amorphous polymer composite sensors to organic vapors at low vapor concentrations”,Carbon,2004,Vol.42, 2551-2559
32. 董先明,符若文,章明秋,容敏智:“炭黑/聚合物气敏导电复合材料研究进展”,高分子材料科学与工程,2004,(2), 14-18
33. 张斌,宋维,符若文,章明秋,董先明,赵斌:“炭黑/聚苯乙烯复合材料在环境监测方面的应用”,环境技术,2004, (4) ,
35.Ruowen Fu, Bo Zheng, Jie Liu, Steve Weiss, Jackie Y. Ying, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus, Joe H. Satcher Jr and Theodore F. Baumann: “The fabrication of activated carbon fibers/ carbon aerogels composites by gelation and supercritical drying in isopropanol”,Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18 (12): 2765-2773
36. Xianming Dong, Zhi Pei Qin,Ruowen Fu, Mingqui Zhang, Binq Zhang, Min Zhi Rong: “Percolation and Gas Sensing Behaviours of Ternary Coductive Composites: Vapour-Grown Carbon Fibers/Carbon Black/Poly(methyl methacrylate) ” ,Advanced Composites Letters, 2003, 12(6): 247-253
37.Ruowen Fu, Bo Zheng, Jie Liu, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus, Joe H. Satcher, Jr. and Theodore Baumann: “The fabrication and characterization of carbon aerogels by gelation and supercritical drying in isopropanol ”,Advanced Functional Materials, 2003,13 (7): 558-562.
38.Ruowen Fu, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus, Bo Zheng, Jie Liu, Joe Satcher and Ted Baumann: “The growth of carbon nano-structures on cobalt-doped carbon aerogels”,Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 2003,318(3),223 - 232
39.Ruowen FU, Ling LiU, Wenqiang HUANG, Pingchun SUN: “ Studies on the structure of activated carbon fibers activated by phosphoric acid”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2003, 87, 2253-2261
40. Xianming Dong,Ruowen Fu, Junyong Li, Binq Zhang, Mingqui Zhang: “Vapor induced variation in electrical performance of carbon black/poly(methyl methacrylate) composites prepared by polymerization filling”,Carbon, 2003,41, 371-374
41.Ruowen Fu, YuMing Lin, Oded Rabin, Gene Dresselhaus, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Joe Satcher and Ted Baumann: “Transport properties of copper-doped carbon aerogels”,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2003, 317(3):247-253.
42. Xian Ming DONG,Ruo Wen FU, Ming Qiu ZHANG, Zhi Pei QIN, Bing ZHANG, and Min Zhi RONG: “Effects of Processing on Electric Response of Carbon Black Filled Poly(methyl methacrylate) Composites against Organic Solvent Vapors”,Polymer Journal, Vol,35, No.12,pp 1003-1008(2003)
43. Xian Ming Dong,Ruo Wen Fu, Ming Qiu Zhang, Bin Zhang, Jun Rong Li, and Min Zhi Rong: “Gas sensing materials from carbon black/poly(methyl methacrylate) composites”,Polymer & Polymer Composites, 2003, 11 (4): 291-299
44. Xian Ming Dong,Ruo Wen Fu, Ming Qiu Zhang, Bin Zhang, Jun Rong Li, and Min Zhi Rong: “Carbon black filled poly(2-ethylexyl methacrylate) as a candidate for gas sensing material”,Journal of Materials Science Letter, 2003, 22(15): 1057-1059
45. Wu Dingcai, Zhang Shuting,Fu Ruowen:“The fabrication of carbon aerogels by gelation in isopropanol with basic catalyst”,Chinese Journal of Reactive polymers, 2003, 12(1):26-31
46.Fu Ruowen, Du Xiuying, Lin Yunsheng, Xu Hao, Hu Yiongjun: “Studies on the catalytic reaction of nitrogen oxide on metal modified activated carbon fibers”,Chinese Journal of Reactive polymers, 2003, 12(1):17-25
47. Dong XM,Fu RW, Zhang MQ, Zhang B, Li JR, Rong MZ: “A novel sensor for organic solvent vapors based on conductive amorphous polymer composites: carbon black/poly(butyl methacrylate) ”,Polymer Bulletin, 2003, 50 (1-2): 99-106
48.Fu RW, Yoshizawa N, Hanzawa Y, et al: “The characterization of copper-doped carbon aerogels by transport properties measurements”,Symposium on Polymer/Metal Interfaces and Defect Mediated Phenomena in Ordered Polymers,2003, 133-138, 2002,DEC 02-06, The 2002 MRS Falling Meeting, Boston, USA,
49.Fu R.W. (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology); Yoshizawa, N.; Hanzawa, Y.; Kaneko, K.; Santos, A.P.; Dresselhaus, M.S.; Dresselhaus, G.; Satcher, J.; Baumann, T. Source:Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, v 734, 2003, p 133-138
50. 吴丁财,张淑婷,符若文:“炭气凝胶及其有机气凝胶前驱体的研究进展”,离子交换与吸附,2003,19(5), 473-480
51. 汤丽鸳,陆庚,符若文,姚广伟:“不同交联度PP-g-4VP离子交换纤维的制备及对水溶液中铬离子吸附的研究”,环境技术, 2003,(4),22-25
52.符若文,张春霞,许家瑞:“含羧基和吡啶基团两性离子交换纤维的交换吸附性能研究”, 环境技术, 2003,(1),11-14
53.Ruowen Fu, Noriko Yoshizawa, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus, Joe Satcher and Ted Baumann: The XPS study of copper-doped carbon aerogels ”,Langmuir; 2002,18(26), 10100-10104.
54. Baumann TF, Fox GA, Satcher JH, Yoshizawa N,Fu RW, Dresselhaus MS: “Synthesis and characterization of copper-doped carbon aerogels”,Langmuir, 2002, 18 (18): 7073-7076
55.Ruowen FU, Ling LIU, Hanmin ZENG: “The dynamic adsorption of benzene vapor on the ACF activated by phosphoric acid”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2002, 83, 1841-1847
56. Zeng QB, Ye QZ, Xu JR,Fu RW: “Ni2+-PAA adsorbent for purifying 6His-OmpTS recombinant protein”,Chinese Chemical Letters, 2002, 13 (5),436-439
57. Yoshizawa N, Dresselhaus MS,Fu RW, Satcher J,Boumann T: “TEM observation of metal-loaded carbon aerogels prepared by an ion-exchange method”,Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2002,388,489-494
58. Huang ZH, Kang FY, Yang JB, Liang, KM,Fu, RW, Huang, AP: “ Effect of CO in activating gas on the pore structure of activated carbon fiber with CO2 activation, ”Journal of Materials Science Letters, 2002, 22 (4): 293-295
59. Yoshizawa N,Fu RW, Dresselhaus MS, et al: “The structures of copper-doped carbon aerogels prepared by an ion exchange method ”Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, v 697, 2002, p 383-388
60.符若文,杜秀英,黄爱萍:“负载Pd/Cu活性碳纤维的孔结构研究”, 中山大学学报(自然科学版),2002,41(1), 46-50
61.符若文,王菲,李日强,汤丽鸳,杜秀英:“强酸弱碱型两性离子交换纤维的制备II-磺化及吸附性能研究”, 环境技术, 2002,(6),15-20
62. Zeng QB, Xu JR,Fu RW, Ye QZ: “Functional polymer affinity matrix for purifying hexahistidine-tagged recombinant protein”,Journal of Chromatography A, 2001,921, 197-205
63. Zheng SL, Tong ML,Fu RW, Chen XM, Ng SW: “Toward designed assembly of microporous coordination networks constructed from silver(I)-hexamethylenetetramine layers”,Inorganic Chemistry,2001, 40 (14),3562-3569
64. 曾庆冰,许家瑞,符若文,叶巧真:“分离亲水气单胞菌外毒素的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶色谱填料”,功能高分子学报,2001,14(2), 195-198
65.符若文,杜秀英,林远声,罗智翘,林德航:“强酸型离子交换纤维PVF-g-SO3H对碱性氨基酸的分离研究”,中山大学学报(自然科学版),2001, 40(2), 45-49
67. 董先明,胡艾希,符若文,周宏伟:“Friedel-Crafts酰基化反应研究进展”,合成化学,2001,9(6),495
68.符若文,张永成,曾汉民:“磷酸活化粘胶基活性碳纤维的研究 II-磷酸活化粘胶基活性碳纤维的结构研究”,合成纤维工业,2001, 24(1), 17-21
69. 汤丽鸳,刘宁,符若文:“功能纤维处理含铬废水的初步研究”, 环境技术, 2001,(4), 42-47
72.符若文,杜秀英,胡勇军,林远声,徐浩:“负载金属活性碳纤维对NO催化分解性能的研究”,环境技术, 2001,(5),41-46
73.符若文,张永成:“磷酸活化粘胶基活性碳纤维的碳化活化机理”,离子交换与吸附, 2001,17(3),199
专利:1. “用含偕胺肟基材料还原提取黄金”,曾汉民, 陆耘,符若文,林伟平, 徐志达,中国专利号:91103814.0,已授权,证书号:31236
2. “内胆密封式两段法制备活性碳纤维的工艺”,符若文,陆耘, 曾汉民,吕海峰, 朱世平,中国专利号: 92.105859.4,已授权,证书号:39303
3. “空调系统循环冷却水处理方法及装置”陆耘,朱世平,符若文,卢泓泽,曾汉民,中国专利号:93108366.4,已授权,证书号:47419
4. “空气循环系统中的空气净化装置”, 秦智深, 符若文, 陈宝泉, 陆耘, 陆 俊, 李柏武, 中国专利号: ZL 93242534.8,已授权,证书号:176896
5. “活性碳纤维的制备方法”,符若文, 陆耘,曾汉民,中国专利号:93106033.8,已授权,证书号:38424。
6. “空调系统循环冷却水处理装置”, 陆耘, 朱世平,符若文, 卢泓泽,曾汉民,中国专利号:L 93218891.5,已授权,证书号:174597
7. “空调系统循环冷却水处理装置(分案)”, 陆耘, 朱世平,符若文,卢泓泽,曾汉民,中国专利号: ZL 94202193.2,已授权,证书号:204485
8. “硼酸活化法制备活性碳纤维的工艺”,符若文,张永成,曾汉民,中国专利:99116239.0,已授权,证书号:79490
9. “处氮氧化物/一氧化碳混合气体的方法”,符若文,杜秀英,曾汉民, 中国专利: 00117322.7,已授权,证书号:97110
10. “磷酸活化粘胶基活性碳纤维的生产”符若文,中国专利:00117577.7,已授权,证书号:110812
11. “以酚醛树脂凝胶制备多孔炭材料”,符若文,方明锋, 中国专利:01127614.2,已授权,证书号:156012
12. “一种纳米离子交换材料及其制备方法”,符若文,汤丽鸳,中国专利:03139851.0。
13. “常压干燥法制备有机气凝胶和炭气凝胶的方法”,符若文,吴丁财,中国专利:03139852.0,已授权,证书号:207032
14. “一种制备炭气凝胶的方法”,符若文,吴丁财,中国专利:200410027355.6。
15. “一种水池水质自动净化装置”,张艺,符若文,许家瑞,蒋星,顾军扬,黄凤来,中国专利:ZL2005 2 0054339.6,已授权,证书号:769240
最新修订时间:2024-12-27 21:59