盐川和夫(日文:塩川 和夫;英文:Kazuo SHIOKAWA),男,1965年12月出生于日本神奈川县横滨市,日本地球物理学家,理学博士学位,毕业于日本
名古屋大学太阳地球环境研究所(现名古屋大学宇宙地球环境研究所)的太阳地球物理学家盐川和夫教授认为:“中国的夸父计划与美国军方计划于2008年发射的C/NOFS(通讯/导航中断预报系统,Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System) 卫星计划一样,对于
1. Shiokawa, K., H. Fukunishi, H. Yamagishi, H. Miyaoka, R. Fujii, and F. Tohyama, Rocket observation of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes in quiet and active arcs, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 10,679-10,686, 1990.
2. Shiokawa, K., and H. Fukunishi, Dependences of auroral 5577-A and 6300-A emission rates on thermospheric density variations, in Proc. NIPR Symp. Coordinated Observations of the Ionosphere and the Magnetosphere in the Polar Regions, vol. 3, p.24-31, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, 1990.
3. Shiokawa, K., and H. Fukunishi, Global characteristics of field-aligned acceleration processes associated with auroral arcs, J. Geomagn. Geoelectr., 43, 691-719, 1991.
4. Shiokawa, K., and K. Yumoto, Global characteristics of particle precipitation and field-aligned electron acceleration during isolated substorms, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 1359-1375, 1993. (Correction, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 9357-9362, 1993.)
5. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, Y. Tanaka, T. Oguti, and Y. Kiyama, Low-latitude auroras observed at Moshiri and Rikubetsu (L=1.6) during magnetic storms on February 26, 27, 29, and May 10, 1992, J. Geomagn. Geoelectr., 46, 231-252, 1994.
6. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kiyama, Y. Kamide, and M. Tokumaru, A low-latitude aurora observed at Rikubetsu (L=1.6) during the magnetic storm of September 13, 1993, Proc. NIPR Symp. Upper Atmos. Phys., 8, 17-23, 1995
7. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, K. Hayashi, T. Oguti, and D. J. McEwen, A statistical study of the motions of auroral arcs in the high-latitude morning sector, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 21,979-21,985, 1995.
8. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, N. Nishitani, K. Hayashi, T. Oguti, D. J. McEwen, Y. Kiyama, F. J. Rich, and T. Mukai, Quasi-periodic poleward motions of sun-aligned auroral arcs in the high-latitude morning sector: A case study, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 19,789-19,800, 1996.
9. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, Y. Tanaka, H. Osaki, M. Sato, T. Kato, Y. Kato, M. Sera, Y. Ikegami, S.-I. Akasofu, K. Hayashi, T. Oguti, and Y. Kiyama, Auroral observations using automatic optical instruments: relations with multiple Pi 2 magnetic pulsations, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 48, 1407-1419, 1996.
10. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, P. T. Newell, and C.-I. Meng, Broadband electrons observed by the DMSP satellites during storm-time substorms, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 2529-2532, 1996.
11. Shiokawa, K. C. I. Meng, G. D. Reeves, F. J. Rich, and K. Yumoto, A multievent study of broadband electrons observed by the DMSP satellites and their relation to red aurora observed at midlatitude stations, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 14,237-14,253, 1997.
12. Shiokawa, K., W. Baumjohann, G. Haerendel, Braking of high-speed flows in the near-Earth tail, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 1179-1182, 1997.
13. Shiokawa, K., T. Ogino, K. Hayashi, and D. J. McEwen, Quasi-periodic poleward motions of morningside Sun-aligned arcs: A multievent study, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 24,325-24,332, 1997.
14. Shiokawa, K., W. Baumjohann, G. Haerendel, G. Paschmann, J. F. Fennell, E. Friis-Christensen, H. Luhr, G. D. Reeves, C. T. Russell, P. R. Sutcliffe, and K. Takahashi, High-speed ion flow, substorm current wedge, and multiple Pi2 pulsations, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 4491-4507, 1998.
15. Shiokawa, K., G. Haerendel, and W. Baumjohann, Azimuthal pressure gradient as driving force of substorm currents, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 959-962, 1998.
16. Shiokawa, K., R. R. Anderson, I. A. Daglis, W. J. Hughes, and J. R. Wygant, Simultaneous DMSP and CRRES observation of broadband electrons during a storm-time substorm on March 25, 1991, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 24, 281-285, 1999.
17. Shiokawa, K., Y. Katoh, M. Satoh, M. K. Ejiri, T. Ogawa, T. Nakamura, T. Tsuda, R. H. Wiens, Development of optical mesosphere thermosphere imagers (OMTI), Earth, Planets, and Space, 51, 887-896, 1999.
18. Shiokawa, K., W. Baumjohann, G. Haerendel, and H. Fukunishi, High- and low-altitude observations of adiabatic parameters associated with auroral electron acceleration, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 2541-2550, 2000.
19. Shiokawa, K., Y. Katoh, M. Satoh, M. K. Ejiri, and T. Ogawa, Integrating-sphere calibration of all-sky cameras for nightglow measurements, Adv. Space Res., 26, 1025-1028, 2000.
20. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, K. Igarashi, S. Miyazaki, F. J. Rich, A. Saito, K. Yumoto, Comprehensive imaging observations of mid-latitude ionospheric disturbances during storm time substorms, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 27,067-27,080, 2000.
21. Shiokawa, K. and Y. Kiyama, A search for the springtime transition of lower thermospheric atomic oxygen using long-term midlatitude airglow data, J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys., 62, 1215-1219, 2000.
22. Shiokawa, K., M. K. Ejiri, T. Ogawa, and T. Nakamura, Distant lunar sodium tail observed in the Japanese local-time sector during the Leonid meteor shower of 1998, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 24,621-24,626, 2000.
23. Shiokawa, K., M. K. Ejiri, Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, M. Kubota, K. Igarashi, A. Saito, and T. Nakamura, Multi-point observations of short-period mesospheric gravity waves over Japan during the FRONT campaign, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 4057-4060, 2000.
24. Shiokawa, K., T. Kadota, M. K. Ejiri, Y. Otsuka, Y. Katoh, M. Satoh, and T. Ogawa, Three-channel imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer for midlatitude airglow measurement, Appl. Opt., 40, 4286-4296, 2001.
25. Shiokawa, K., T. Ogawa, H. Oya, F. J. Rich, and K. Yumoto, A stable auroral red (SAR) arc observed over Japan after an interval of very weak solar wind, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 26,091-26,101, 2001.
26. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, M. K. Ejiri, Y. Sahai, T. Kadota, C. Ihara, T. Ogawa, K. Igarashi, S. Miyazaki, and A. Saito, Imaging observations of the equatorward limit of midlatitude traveling ionospheric disturbances, Earth Planets Space, 54, 57-62, 2002.
27. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, N. Balan, K. Igarashi, A. J. Ridley, D. J. Knipp, A. Saito, and K. Yumoto, A large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance during the magnetic storm of September 15, 1999, J. Geophys. Res., 107(A6), 10.1029/2001JA000245, 2002.
28. Shiokawa, K., K. Yumoto, and J. V. Olson, Multiple auroral brightenings and associated Pi 2 pulsations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, No.11, 10.1029/2001GL014583, 2002.
29. Shiokawa, K., Y. Katoh, M. Satoh, T. Ogawa, M. Taguchi, and H. Yamagishi, A new auroral spectrometer using an acousto-optic tunable filter, Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research, National Institute of Polar Research, Japan, No.16, 146-156, 2002.
30. Shiokawa, K., M. K. Ejiri, T. Ogawa, Y. Yamada, H. Fukunishi, K. Igarashi, and T. Nakamura, A localized structure in OH airglow images near the mesopause region, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D2), 4048, doi:10.1029/2002JD002462, 2003.
31. Shiokawa, K., C. Ihara, Y. Otsuka, and T. Ogawa, Statistical study of nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances using midlatitude airglow images, J. Geophys. Res., 108(A1), 1052, doi:10.1029/2002JA009491, 2003.
32. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, C. Ihara, T. Ogawa, and F. J. Rich, Ground and satellite observations of nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance at midlatitude, J. Geophys. Res., 108(A4), 1145, doi:10.1029/2002JA009639, 2003.
33. Shiokawa, K., W. Baumjohann, and G. Paschmann, Bi-directional electrons in the near-Earth plasma sheet, Ann. Geophys., 21, 1497-1507, 2003
34. Shiokawa, K., T. Kadota, Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, T. Nakamura, and S. Fukao, A two-channel Fabry-Perot interferometer with thermoelectric-cooled CCD detectors for neutral wind measurement in the upper atmosphere, Earth Planets Space, 55, 271-275, 2003.
35. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, S. Kawamura, M. Yamamoto, S. Fukao, T. Nakamura, T. Tsuda, N. Balan, K. Igarashi, G. Lu, A. Saito, and K. Yumoto, Thermospheric wind during a storm-time large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance, J. Geophys. Res., 108(A12), 1423, doi:10.1029/2003JA010001, 2003.
36. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, H. Takahashi, T. Nakamura, and T. Shimomai, Comparison of OH rotational temperatures measured by the Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI) and by a tilting-filter photometer, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 66, 891-897, 2004.
37. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, and P. Wilkinson, Time evolution of high-altitude plasma bubbles imaged at geomagnetic conjugate points, Ann. Geophys., 22, 3137-3143, 2005.
38. Shiokawa, K., I. Shinohara, T. Mukai, H. Hayakawa, and C. Z. Cheng, Magnetic field fluctuations during substorm-associated dipolarizations in the nightside plasma sheet around X = -10 Re, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A05212, doi:10.1029/2004JA010378, 2005.
39. Shiokawa, K., T. Ogawa, and Y. Kamide, Low-latitude auroras observed in Japan: 1999-2004, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A05202, doi:10.1029/2004JA010706, 2005.
40. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, T. Tsugawa, T. Ogawa, A. Saito, K. Ohshima, M. Kubota, T. Maruyama, T. Nakamura, M. Yamamoto, and P. Wilkinson, Geomagnetic conjugate observation of nighttime medium-scale and large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances: FRONT3 campaign, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A05303, doi:10.1029/2004JA010845, 2005.
41. Shiokawa, K., Y. Miyashita, I. Shinohara, and A. Matsuoka, Decrease in Bz prior to the dipolarization in the near-Earth plasma sheet, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A09219, doi:10.1029/2005JA011144, 2005.
42. Shiokawa, K., K. Yago, K. Yumoto, D. G. Baishev, S. I. Solovyev, F. J. Rich, and S. B. Mende, Ground and satellite observations of substorm onset arcs, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A12225, doi:10.1029/2005JA011281, 2005.
43. Shiokawa, K., K. Seki, Y. Miyoshi, A. Ieda, T. Ono, M. Iizima, T. Nagatsuma, T. Obara, T. Takashima, K. Asamura, Y. Kasaba, A. Matsuoka, Y. Saito, H. Saito, M. Hirahara, Y. Tonegawa, F. Toyama, M. Tanaka, M. Nose, Y. Kasahara, K. Yumoto, H. Kawano, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Ebihara, A. Yukimatsu, N. Sato, S. Watanabe, and the Inner Magnetosphere Subgroup in the Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, ERG - A small-satellite mission to investigate the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere, Adv. Space Res., 38(8), 1861-1869, 2006.
44. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, and T. Ogawa, Quasiperiodic southward moving waves in 630-nm airglow images in the equatorial thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A06301, doi:10.1029/2005JA011406, 2006.
45. Shiokawa, K., S. Suzuki, Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, T. Nakamura, M. G. Mlynczak, and J. M. Russell III, A multi-instrument measurement of a mesospheric front-like structure at the equator, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, Vol. 84A, pp. 305-316, 2006.
46. Shiokawa, K., S. Suzuki, Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, T. Nakamura, and T. Horinouchi, An intense gravity wave near the mesopause region observed by a Fabry-Perot interferometer and an airglow imager, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D07106, doi:10.1029/2006JD007385, 2007.
47. Shiokawa, K., G. Lu, Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, M. Yamamoto, N. Nishitani, and N. Sato, Ground observation and AMIE-TIEGCM modeling of a storm-time traveling ionospheric disturbance, J. Geophys. Res., 112, A05308, doi:10.1029/2006JA011772, 2007.
48. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, S. Suzuki, T. Katoh, Y. Katoh, M. Satoh, T. Ogawa, H. Takahashi, D. Gobbi, T. Nakamura, B. P. Williams, C.-Y. She, M. Taguchi, and T. Shimomai, Development of airglow temperature photometers with cooled-CCD detectors, Earth Planets Space, 59, 585-599, 2007.
49. Shiokawa, K., T. Tsugawa, Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, G. Lu, A. Saito, and M. Yamamoto, Optical and radio observations and AMIE/TIEGCM modeling of nighttime traveling ionospheric disturbances at mid-latitudes during geomagnetic storms, AGU monograph on Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Dynamics and Disturbances, 271-281, 2008.
50. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, N. Nishitani, T. Ogawa, T. Tsugawa, T. Maruyama, S. E. Smirnov, V. V. Bychkov, and B. M. Shevtsov, Northeastward motion of nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances at middle latitudes observed by an airglow imager, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A12312, doi:10.1029/2008JA013417, 2008.
51. Shiokawa, K., K. Hosokawa, K. Sakaguchi, A. Ieda, Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa and M. Connors, The Optical Mesosphere Thermosphere Imagers (OMTIs) for network measurements of aurora and airglow, Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations, AIP Conference proceedings, edited by M. Hirahara, Y. Miyoshi, N. Terada, I. Shinohara, and T. Mukai, AIP Conference proceedings, pp.212-215, doi:10.1063/1.3169292, 2009. (Jul 9, 2009)
52. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, and T. Ogawa, Propagation characteristics of nighttime mesospheric and thermospheric waves observed by optical mesosphere thermosphere imagers at middle and low latitudes, Earth Planets Space, 61, 479-491, 2009. (May 14, 2009)
53. Shiokawa, K., A. Ieda, A. Nakajima, K. Sakaguchi, R. Nomura, T. Aslaksen, M. Greffen, E. Spanswick, and E. Donovan, S. B. Mende, J. McFadden, K.-H. Glassmeier, V. Angelopoulos, and Y. Miyashita, Longitudinal development of a substorm brightening arc, Ann. Geophys., 27, 1935-1940, 2009. (May 4, 2009)
54. Shiokawa, K., A. Nakajima, A. Ieda, K. Sakaguchi, R. Nomura, T. Aslaksen, M. Greffen, and E. Donovan, Rayleigh-Taylor type instability in auroral patches, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A02211, doi:10.1029/2009JA014273, 2010. (Feb.26, 2010)
55. Shiokawa, K., R. Nomura, K. Sakaguchi, Y. Otsuka, Y. Hamaguchi, M. Satoh, Y. Katoh, Y. Yamamoto, B. M. Shevtsov, S. Smirnov, I. Poddelsky, and M. Connors, The STEL induction magnetometer network for observation of high-frequency geomagnetic pulsations, Earth Planets Space, 62, 517-524, 2010. (August 6, 2010)
56. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, S. Oyama, S. Nozawa, M. Satoh, Y. Katoh, Y. Hamaguchi, Y. Yamamoto and J. Meriwether, Development of low-cost sky-scanning Fabry-Perot interferometers for airglow and auroral studies, Earth Planets Space, vol.64, no.11, 1033-1046, 2012. (November 26, 2012)
57. Shiokawa, K., M. Mori, Y. Otsuka, S. Oyama, and S. Nozawa, Motion of high-latitude nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances associated with auroral brightening, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A10316, doi:10.1029/2012JA017928, 2012. (October 12, 2012)
58. Shiokawa, K., Y. Miyoshi, P. C. Brandt, D. S. Evans, H. U. Frey, J. Goldstein, and K. Yumoto, Ground and satellite observations of low-latitude red auroras at the initial phase of magnetic storms, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 256-270, doi:10.1029/2012JA018001, 2013. (online published on January 31, 2013)
59. Shiokawa, K., M. Mori, Y. Otsuka, S. Oyama, S. Nozawa, S. Suzuki, and M. Connors, Observation of nighttime medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances by two 630-nm airglow imagers near the auroral zone, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 103, 184-194, 2013. (published on September 7, 2013)
60. Shiokawa, K., Y. Yokoyama, A. Ieda, Y. Miyoshi, R. Nomura, S. Lee, N. Sunagawa, Y. Miyashita, M. Ozaki, K. Ishizaka, S. Yagitani, R. Kataoka, F. Tsuchiya, I. Schofield, and M. Connors, Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes - VLF-CHAIN Campaign, J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1029/2014JA020161, 2014. (published online Aug.27, 2014)
61. Shiokawa, K., A. Hashimoto, T. Hori, K. Sakaguchi, Y. Ogawa, E. Donovan, E. Spanswick, M. Connors, Y. Otsuka, S.-I. Oyama, S. Nozawa, K. McWilliams, Auroral fragmentation into patches, J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1029/2014JA020050, 2014. (published online on Sept. 2014)
62. Shiokawa, K., Y. Otsuka, K. J. Lynn, P. Wilkinson and T. Tsugawa, Airglow-imaging observation of plasma bubble disappearance at geomagnetically conjugate points, Earth Planets Space, 67:43, doi:10.1186/s40623-015-0202-6, 2015.
63. Shiokawa, K., Y. Kato, Y. Hamaguchi, Y. Yamamoto, T. Adachi, M. Ozaki, S.-I. Oyama, M. Nos辿, T. Nagatsuma, Y. Tanaka, Y. Otsuka, Y. Miyoshi, R. Kataoka, Y. Takagi, Y. Takeshita, A. Shinbori, S. Kurita, T. Hori, N. Nishitani, I. Shinohara, F. Tuchiya, Y. Obana, S. Suzuki, N. Takahashi, K. Seki, A. Kadokura, K. Hosokawa, Y. Ogawa, M. Connors, J. M. Ruohoniemi, M. Engebretson, E. Turunen, T. Ulich, J. Manninen, T. Raita, A. Kero, A. Oksanen, M. Back, K. Kauristie, J. Mattanen, D. Baishev, V. Kurkin, A. Oinats, A. Pashinin, R. Vasilyev, R. Rakhmatulin, W. Bristow, and M. Karjala, Ground-based instruments of the PWING project to investigate dynamics of the inner magnetosphere at subauroral latitudes as a part of the ERG-ground coordinated observation network, Earth, Planets and Space, 69:160, doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0745-9, 2017.
64. Shiokawa, K., M. Ozaki, A. Kadokura, Y. Endo, T. Sakanoi, S. Kurita, Y. Miyoshi, S.-I. Oyama, M. Connors, I. Schofield, J. Michael Ruohoniemi, M. No�e, T. Nagatsuma, K. Sakaguchi, D. G. Baishev, A. Pashinin, R. Rakhmatulin, B. Shevtsov, I. Poddelsky, M. Engebretson, Tero Raita, Y.-M. Tanaka, M. Shinohara, M. Teramoto, R. Nomura, A. Fujimoto, A. Matsuoka, N. Higashio, T. Takashima , I. Shinohara, and Jay M. Albert, Purple auroral rays and global Pc1 pulsations observed at the CIR-associated solar wind density enhancement on March 21, 2017, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, doi:10.1029/2018GL079103, 2018.
1993年5月 米国地球物理学会 第1回地球物理画像竞赛(写真部门)1等奖
1999年11月 大林奖励奖(地球电磁气・地球惑星圏学会)
2009年5月 田中馆奖(地球电磁气・地球惑星圏学会)
2010年 米国地球物理学会 优秀审查奖(JGR-Space Physics)
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李星恩(Sungeun Lee): 2012
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徐何秋岑(Heqiucen Xu): 2020