比较测试终于在英语。 简单和有趣 你所要做的就是比较图像和排序问题。你将享受它当你学习很多信息。 特性 玩离线 没有注册 很多类别 - - -运动 - - -地理位置 - - -名人 - - -动物 - - -发明 挑战水平 有用的提示 无限的乐趣和定期更新 Compare Quiz is finally available in English. SIMPLE & FUNNY All you have to do is compare the images and sort them according to the question. You will enjoy it while you learn lots of information. FEATURES Play offline No sign up Lots of categories --- Sport --- Geography --- Celebrities --- Animals --- Inventions Challenging levels Helpful hints Limitless fun with regular updates