武作兵,研究员。北京大学物理系理论物理研究所 博士后 讲师
中国科学院理论物理研究所理论物理专业, 理学博士学位
1992年7月 中国科学院力学研究所流体力学专业, 理学硕士学位
北京航空航天大学空气动力学专业, 工学学士学位
2002.1-2004.4 美国Nebraska-Lincoln大学化学系 访问学者
1999.12-至今 中国科学院力学研究所非线性力学国家重点实验室 研究员
1998.1-1999.11 中国科学院力学研究所非线性
连续介质力学开放实验室 副研究员
1996.1-1997.12 北京大学物理系理论物理研究所 博士后 讲师
1994.7-1994.8 意大利国际理论物理中心 访问学者
25. Z.-B. WU Thermocapillary migration of a droplet with a thermal source at large Reynolds and Marangoni numbers, International journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
24. Z.-B. WU and W. R. Hu Effects of Marangoni numbers on thermocapillary drop migration:constant for quasi-steady state? Journal of Mathematical Physics
23. Z.-B. WU Periodic correlation structures in bacterial and archaeal complete genomes. Current Bioinformatics
22. Z.-B. WU and W. R. Hu Thermocapillary migration of a planar droplet at moderate and large Marangoni numbers. Acta Mechanica, published online 8 Dec.
21. Z.-B. WU Global transposable characteristics in the complete DNA sequence of the yeast. Physica A
20. Z.-B. WU. Generalization of the JTZ model to open plane wakes. Chaos
19. Z.-B. WU. Numerical study on heavy rigid particle motion in a plane wake flow by spectral element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
18. Z.-B. WU. Rotation numbers of invariant manifolds around unstable periodic orbits for the diamagnetic Kepler problem. Fractals
17. Z. Yin, Z.-B. WU and W. R Hu, Thermacapillary migration of drops and bubbles, Advances in Microgravity Sciences
16. Z.-B. WU and Q. J. Xing. Pressure and thermal effects on elastic properties of single crystal alpha-Al_2O_3 from Monte Carlo simulation. Molecular Simulation.
15. Z.-B. WU. Particle interaction with vortices in plane wake-type flows. WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics.
14. Z.-B. WU, D. J. Diestler and X. C. Zeng. Multiscale simulation of thin-film lubrication. Molecular Simulation
13. Z.-B. WU. Recurrence plot analysis of DNA sequences. Physics Letters A
12. D. J. Diestler, Z.-B. WU and X. C. Zeng. An extension of the quasicontinuum treatment of multiscale solid systems at nonzero temperature. Journal of Chemical Physics.
11. Z.-B. WU, D. J. Diestler and X. C. Zeng. Hybrd atomistic-coarse-grained treatment of thin-film lubrication. II. Journal of Chemical Physics.
10. Z.-B. WU, D. J. Diestler, R Feng and X. C. Zeng. Hybrd atomistic-coarse-grained treatment of thin-film lubrication. I. Journal of Chemical Physics.
9. Z.-B. WU, D. J. Diestler, R Feng and X. C. Zeng. Coarse-graining description of solid systems at nonzero temperature. Journal of Chemical Physics
8. Z.-B. WU Self-similarity limits of genomic signatures. Fractals
7. Z.-B. WU Streamline topology and dilute particle dynamics in a Karman vortex street flow. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
6. Z.-B. WU, G.-C. Ling and Q.-J. Xing Effects of particle sizes on dilute particle dispersion in a Karman vortex street flow, Chines Physics Letters
5. Q.-J. Xing, W.-J. Xu and Z.-B. WU Photoelastic effect and lateral optical confinement in InGaAsP/InP double heterostructures, Journal of Semiconductors
4. Z.-B. WU and J.-Y. Zeng Dynamical Symmetry of Screened Coulomb Potential and Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator, Physical Review A
3. Z.-B. WU Metric representation of DNA sequences, Electrophoresis
2. Z.-B. WU and J.-Y. Zeng Closeness of classical orbits and factorization of the radial Schrodinger equation, Nuclear Physics Review.
1. Z.-B. WU and J.-Y. Zeng A method to find unstable periodic orbits for the the diamagnetic Kepler problem. Physica Scrapta