文学军,男,1971年5月24日生,河南林州人。美国医学与生物工程院院士,美国诺维斯NOVIS抗衰科技创始人。美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学William H. Goodwin首席冠名终身席正教授 ,同济大学特聘讲座教授。鲁东大学特聘教授。博士研究生导师。主要从事三维打印生物制造、生物材料、纳米技术、干细胞技术、组织工程和再生医学的研究和技术应用,包括3D打印人工器官,全合成生物材料、天然改性抗菌生物材料、可注射型水凝胶等在神经系统、软骨、心脏,肌肉,血管,角膜、皮肤等组织修复中的应用等。
2003年7月至2012年8月历任美国克莱姆森大学生物医学工程系助理教授、副教授、终身教授,并于2010年09月获美国南卡州命名的Hansjörg Wyss首席冠名终身席正教授职。
干细胞移植的条件下,利用内源性干细胞实现受损区域的网络化血管重建和神经再生,使失去知觉的鼠模型恢复到正常水平。该成果于2009年9月份受到BBC, Discovery等媒体的关注报道。发明了用于急性脊髓损伤的再生材料,在大鼠动物模型上实现了受损脊椎神经的再生和修复,修复后的动物运动能力恢复BBB评分超过10。利用计算机辅助和
2008年荣获美国国家科学基金青年科学家成就奖。2012年当选世界生物工程领域声誉最高的学术组织美国医学与生物工程院(American Institute for Medical and BiologicalEngineering)院士(Fellow)。获得Sigma XI杰出青年科学家年度奖(2008),克莱门森大学校董事会奖(2008、2009、2010、2011、2012),克莱门森大学McQueen-Quattlebaum成就奖(2010),Michael J. Fox基金会应用人干细胞治疗帕金森病奖(2005),Coulter基金会
截止2014年10月,在《Progress in Polymer Science》、《FASEB Journal》、《Advanced Functional Materials》、《Advanced healthcare Materials》、《Journal of Neuroscience》、《Biomaterials》等学术期刊上发表论文100多篇。
2015年2月,在Elsevier发布的2014年中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单中,位居
1. Fabrication of three dimensional aligned nanofiber array; USPTO Issue # 7,828,539
2. Polysaccharide-Based Biomaterials; USPTO Issue # 7,914,819
3. Fabrication Of Nanofiber Reinforced Structures For Tissue Engineering; WO/2010/096795
4. Synthetic vascular tissue and method of forming the same; USPTO Issued # 8,124,001
5. Fabrication of three dimensional aligned nanofiber array; USPTO Issue # US 8580181 B1
6. Novel Material and Method for the Programmed Treatment of Diabetic Ulcers or Periodontal Diseases; ID: 12/856299
7. Injectable hydrogels prepared via synergic covalent and ionic crosslinking.
8. Treatment of brain injury and stroke using injectable hydrogels
9. Delivery Devices And Methods For Long-Term Delivery Into Ear And Eye
10. Devices And Methods For Improved Viability Of Transplanted Cells
1. Beachley, V. and X. Wen, Polymer nanofibrous structures: Fabrication, biofunctionalization, and cell interactions. Progress in Polymer Science, 2010. 35(7): p. 868-892.
2. Li, X., E. Katsanevakis, X. Liu, N. Zhang, and X. Wen, Engineering neural stem cell fates with hydrogel design for central nervous system regeneration. Progress in Polymer Science, 2012. 37(8): p. 1105-1129.
3. Beachley, V., E. Katsanevakis, N. Zhang, and X. Wen, A Novel Method to Precisely Assemble Loose Nanofiber Structures for Regenerative Medicine Applications. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2013. 2(2): p. 343-351.
4. Deng, L.-X., P. Deng, Y. Ruan, Z.C. Xu, N.-K. Liu, X. Wen, G.M. Smith, and X.-M. Xu, A Novel Growth-Promoting Pathway Formed by GDNF-Overexpressing Schwann Cells Promotes Propriospinal Axonal Regeneration, Synapse Formation, and Partial Recovery of Function after Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neuroscience, 2013. 33(13): p. 5655-5667.
5. Li, X., X. Liu, L. Cui, C. Brunson, W. Zhao, N.R. Bhat, N. Zhang, and X. Wen, Engineering an in situ crosslinkable hydrogel for enhanced remyelination. Faseb Journal, 2013. 27(3): p. 1127-1136.
6. Li, X., X. Liu, B. Josey, C.J. Chou, Y. Tan, N. Zhang, and X. Wen, Short Laminin Peptide for Improved Neural Stem Cell Growth. Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2014. 3(5): p. 662-670.
7. Wen, X.J. and P.A. Tresco, Fabrication and characterization of permeable degradable poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) hollow fiber phase inversion membranes for use as nerve tract guidance channels. Biomaterials, 2006. 27(20): p. 3800-3809.
8. Wen, X.J. and P.A. Tresco, Effect of filament diameter and extracellular matrix molecule precoating on neurite outgrowth and Schwann cell behavior on multifilament entubulation bridging device in vitro. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2006. 76A(3): p. 626-637.
9. Whatley, B.R., J. Kuo, C. Shuai, B.J. Damon, and X. Wen, Fabrication of a biomimetic elastic intervertebral disk scaffold using additive manufacturing. Biofabrication, 2011. 3(1).
10. Whatley, B.R., X. Li, N. Zhang, and X. Wen, Magnetic-directed patterning of cell spheroids. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2014. 102(5): p. 1537-1547.
11. Zdyrko, B., V. Klep, X. Li, Q. Kang, S. Minko, X. Wen, and I. Luzinov, Polymer brushes as active nanolayers for tunable bacteria adhesion. Materials Science & Engineering C, 2009. 29(3): p. 680-684.
12. Zhang, C., X. Wen, N.R. Vyavahare, and T. Boland, Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable elastomeric polyurethane scaffolds fabricated by the inkjet technique. Biomaterials, 2008. 29(28): p. 3781-3791.
13. Zhang, N., H.H. Yan, and X.J. Wen, Tissue-engineering approaches for axonal guidance. Brain Research Reviews, 2005. 49(1): p. 48-64.
14. Zhao, J., N. Zhang, G.D. Prestwich, and X. Wen, Recruitment of endogenous stem cells for tissue repair. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2008. 8(9): p. 836-842.
15. Zhao, W., X. Li, X. Liu, N. Zhang, and X. Wen, Effects of substrate stiffness on adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Materials Science & Engineering C, 2014. 40: p. 316-323.
美国 NIH, NSF, NASA, DOD, Veterans Affairs, Empire State Stem Cell Program (NYSTEM), American Chemical Society (ACS) Research Fund, American Heart Association (AHA), U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF), Alzheimer’s Disease Association, North Carolina Biotechnology Center (Science & Technology Development Program), Alzheimer‘s & Related Diseases Research Award Fund (ARDRAF)等
加拿大 Canada Leader Opportunity Funds, Network of Centres of Excellence ofCanada
欧盟 Human Frontier Science Program
荷兰 Technology Foundation STW (Netherlands),
瑞典 AO Foundation
俄罗斯 Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (SkTech) andMIT(SkTech/MIT Initiative),
拉脱维亚 education and science ministry
瑞士 Swiss National Science Foundation
意大利 Italian Ministry of Health
西班牙 Spain National Science Foundation
法国 Leducq Foundation
马来西亚 Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Grant,
香港 Research Grants Council
Nature, Bone, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, ASAIO Journal,Artificial Organ, Journal of Orthopedic Research, Langmuir, Journals of Materials Science, Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, Macromolecules, Biomacromolecules, Journal of Nanomaterials, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Journals of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, Acta Biomaterialia, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Journal of Biomaterial Applications, The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal, International Journal of Optomechatronics, Composites Science and Technology, Macromolecular Bioscience, Materials Science and Engineering, Tissue Engineering, Biofabrication, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Proteomics, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, PLoS One等