该土地被批准的贷款准备。让我们赶紧起来,建立一个塔! 在这个拥挤而忙碌的城市中,土地是越来越少见。但现在你会得到一个很大的机会,建立自己的摩天楼。 您可以选择密集的时间模式,或古典的得分模式。聪明和耐心,你可以建立一个梦塔。 主要特点: 操作方便,只要用一根手指触摸和享受游戏的乐趣 三种不同的游戏模式 ?摆动绳子和建筑 考验你的耐心吗? The land is approved; the loan is ready. Let’s hurry up and build a tower! In this crowded and busy city, the land is more and more rare. But now you get a big chance to build yourself a skyscraper. You can choose intensive time mode, or classical score mode. Be smart and patient, you could build a dream tower. Key Features: easy operation, just touch with one finger and enjoy the game three different game modes swinging rope and building test your patience