我的职位是新的方法来找到工作,从您的手机! 正在寻找工作?我的职位将你的
iPod Touch变成终极的移动工作搜索工具。
不要错过了你梦想的工作 - 现在下载的
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TweetMyJobs is the new way to find a job from your phone! Looking for work TweetMyJobs turns your iPhone or iPod Touch into the ultimate mobile job-searching tool.
Don’t miss out on your dream job – download the app now and see thousands of open jobs close to you! Over 400,000 open jobs Search by role, industry and location View jobs nearby on a map or using our augmented reality overlay Filter results so you only see hourly jobs or ones that match your preferences Browse thousands of job postings and email them to yourself so you can easily apply later Sync the app with your TweetMyJobs web account or sign up directly from the app Spanish localization Enjoy a beautiful design!