张向阳,自然心理疗法创始人。中国科学院心理研究所百人计划A类研究员,国家级QR计划教授, 中科院心理健康服务体系首席科学家,海外华人精神医学学会主席。
1984年9月-1989年7月 安徽医科大学-临床医学专业-医学学士
1992年9月-1995年7月 北京大学精神卫生研究所-精神病学 硕士
1995年9月-1998年7月 北京大学精神卫生研究所-精神病学博士
1999年8月-2000年7月 美国罗格斯大学分子和行为研究所 博士后
2000年8月-2003年7月 美国耶鲁大学医学院精神医学系 博士后
1989年8月-1994年8月 北京回龙观医院-临床心理科-住院医师
1995年9月-1999年8月 北京回龙观医院-临床心理科-主治医师(科副主任/科支部书记)
2003年8月-2006年7月 美国耶鲁大学医学院精神医学系 副研究科学家
2006年8月-2009年7月 美国贝勒医学院精神医学系  助理教授
2009年8月-2014年7月 美国贝勒医学院精神医学系  副教授
2014年8月-2018年2月 美国德州大学休斯顿医学院精神医学系  副教授/主诊医生
2018年3月--至今   中国科学院心理所健康与遗传心理学研究室 研究员
八家杂志的编委:心理学报; Translational Psychiatry; Journal of Affective Disorder; Frontier in Psychiatry; Psychiatry Research; Plos One; Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry; Current Pharmaceutical Design
2008 北京市科技成果二等奖
2006 第13届精神分裂症研讨会“资深科学家奖”;瑞士,达沃斯
2006 世界精神卫生协会(WPA)“青年精神学家奖”;土耳其,伊斯坦布尔
2005 美国神经精神药理学会和美国国家精神卫生研究院(ACNP/NIMH)青年研究者奖; 美国,夏威夷
2005 第66届美国药物依赖学会“青年科学家旅行奖”; 美国,佛罗里达
2004 第7届国际神经免疫学大会“青年研究者奖”;意大利,威尼司
2003 第64届美国药物依赖学会“国立药物滥用研究院青年科学家奖”; 美国佛罗里达
2000 第10届精神分裂症研讨会“青年科学家奖”;瑞士,达沃斯
1998 中华精神科学会“杨森文库”优秀论文一等奖;中国,北京
1996 北京市“科技新星计划”
1996 中华医学会和中华神经精神科学会“优秀论文”二等奖;中国,北京
1995 北京卫生局科技成果二等奖;
1993 北京卫生局科技成果二等奖;
1992 卫生部和中华医学会第7届中青年医师“优秀论文”二等奖
2005 被收录“第5版世界医学和健康名人录”
2000 北京市政府授予“北京市劳动模范”;
1999 北京市政府授予“第13届五四青年”奖章;
1999 卫生部授予“十大杰出青年岗位能手”;
1996 被收录中国科学院科学出版社“中国优秀科技成果展”;
1995 北京市团委授予“青年岗位能手”1994 北京市政府授予“北京市优秀青年知识分子”,享受政府特殊津贴
1. Lang X, Wang D, Chen D, Xiu M, Zhou H, Wang L, Cao B, Zhang XY. Association between hippocampal subfields and clinical symptoms of first-episode and drug naive schizophrenia patients during 12 weeks of risperidone treatment. Neurotherapeutics 2022. doi: 10.1007/s13311-021-01174-8.
2. Li XR, Xiu MH, Guan XN, Wang YC, Wang J, Leung E, Zhang XY. Altered antioxidant defenses in drug-naive first episode patients with schizophrenia are associated with poor treatment response to risperidone: 12-week results from a prospective longitudinal study. Neurotherapeutics. 2021 doi: 10.1007/s13311-021-01036-3.
3. Liu H, Liu H, Jiang S, Su L, Lu Y, Chen Z, Li X, Li X, Wang X, Xiu M, Zhang X. Sex-specific association between antioxidant defense system and therapeutic response to risperidone in schizophrenia: a prospective longitudinal study. Current Neuropharmacology 2021. doi: 0.2174/1570159X19666211111123918.
4. Liu H, Yu R, Gao Y, Li X, Guan X, Thomas K, Xiu M, Zhang X. Antioxidant enzymes and weight gain in drug-naive first episode schizophrenia patients treated with risperidone for 12 weeks: a prospective longitudinal study. Current Neuropharmacology 2021 doi: 10.2174/1570159X19666210920090547.
5. Zhang XY, Yang M, Du X, Liao W, Chen D, Fan F, Xiu M, Jia Q, Ning Y, Huang X, Wu F, Soares JC, Cao B, Wang L, Chen H. Glucose disturbances, cognitive deficits and white matter abnormalities in first-episode drug- naive schizophrenia. MolecularPsychiatry 2020;25(12):3220-3230
6. Cao B, Cho RY, Chen D, Xiu M, Wang L, Soares JC, Zhang XY. Treatment response prediction and individualized identification of first-episode drug-na?ve schizophrenia using brain functional connectivity. Molecular Psychiatry2020; 25(4):906-913
7. Qu M, Wang J, Chen DC, Chen S, Xiu MH, Zhang XY. Sex-specific association between peripheral superoxide dismutase, BDNF and cognitive impairment in drug-naive first episode patients with schizophrenia. Free Radical and Biological Medicine 2020;160:887-893
8. Xiu MH, Li Z, Curbo ME, Wu HE, Chen DC, Chen S, Tong YS, Tan SP, Zhang XY. Interrelationships between BDNF, superoxide dismutase and cognitive impairment in first episode drug-na?ve patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2020; 46(6):1498-1510
9. Xiu MH, Guan HY, Zhao JM, Wang KQ, Pan YF, Su XR, Wang YH, Guo JM, Jiang L, Liu HY, Sun SG, Wu HR, Liu XW, Yu HJ, Wei BC, Li XP, Trinh T, Tan SP, Zhang XY. Cognitive enhancing effect of high-frequency neuronavigated rTMS in chronic schizophrenia patients with predominant negative symptoms: A double-blind controlled 32-week follow-up study. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2020; 46(5):1219-1230
10. Xia L, Liu L, Hong X, Wang D, Wei G, Wang J, Zhou H, Xu H, Tian Y, Dai Q, Wu HE, Chang C, Wang L, Kosten TR, Zhang XY. One-day tropisetron treatment improves cognitive deficits and P50 inhibition deficits in schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology 2020; 45(8):1362-1368
11. Wang DM, Zhang XY. Sex differences in the prevalence and clinical features of comorbid depressive symptoms in patients with never-treated, first-episode schizophrenia. The Lancet 2019; 394 (Supp.): S84
12.Chen DC, Yang KB, Nie Y, Wang N, Li YL, Xiu MH, He SC, Yang FD, Kosten TR, Soares JC, Zhang XY. Impaired glucose tolerance in first-episode drug-naive patients with schizophrenia: relationships to clinical phenotypes and cognitive deficits. Psychological Medicine 2016; 46(15):3219-3230.
13. Xiu MH, Tian L, Chen S, Tan YL, Chen DC, Chen J. Chen N, Yang FD, Licinio J, Kosten TR. Soares JC, Zhang XY. Contribution of IL-10 and its -592 A/C polymorphism to cognitive functions in first-episode drug-naive schizophrenia. Brain Behavior and Immunity2016;57:116-124
14. Zhang XY, Tan YL, Chen DC, Tan SP, Yang FD, Wu HE, Zunta-Soares GB, Kosten TR, Huang XF, Soares JC. Interaction of BDNF with cytokines in chronic schizophrenia. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 2016; 51: 169-175
15. Zhang XY, Chen da C, Xiu MH, Yang FD, Tan YL, Luo X, Zuo L, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Cognitive function, plasma manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and MnSOD Ala-9Val polymorphism in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2014; 40(3): 592-601
16. Zhang XY, Chen da C, Xiu MH, Haile CN, Luo X, Zuo L, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Cigarette smoking, psychopathology, and cognitive function in first-episode drug na?ve schizophrenia: a case-control study. Psychological Medicine 2013; 43(8):1651-1660.
17. Zhang XY, Tang W, Xiu MH, Chen DC, De Yang F, Tan YL, Wang ZR, Zhang F, Liu J, Liu L, Chen Y, Wen N, Kosten TR. Interleukin 18 and cognitive impairment in first episode and drug naive schizophrenia versus healthy controls. Brain Behavior and Immunity2013; 32:105-111.
18. Zhang XY, Liu L, Liu S, Hong X, Chen DC, Xiu MH, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Short-term tropisetron treatment and cognitive and P50 auditory gating deficits in schizophrenia. The American Journal of Psychiatry 2012; 169:974-981
19. Zhang XY, Chen DC, Xiu MH, Haile CN, Zhang HP, Luo X, Xu K, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and its Val66Met gene polymorphism predict tardive dyskinesia treatment response to Ginkgo biloba. Biological Psychiatry 2012; 72: 700-706
20. Zhang XY, Tan YL, Zhou DF, Haile CN, Wu GY, Cao LY, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Nicotine dependence, symptoms and oxidative stress in male patients with schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology 32:2020-2024 (2007).
21. Zhang XY, Tan YL, Zhou DF, Cao LY, Wu GY, Haile CN, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Nicotine dependence, symptoms, and oxidative stress in male patients with schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology 32 (9), 2020-2024, (2007)
22. Zhang XY, Kosten TA. Previous exposure to cocaine enhances cocaine self-administration in an alpha 1-adrenergic receptor dependent manner. Neuropsychopharmacology 32:638-645 (2007).
23. Zhang XY, Kosten TA. Prazosin, an alpha-1 adrenergic antagonist, reduces cocaine-induced reinstatement of drug-seeking. Biological Psychiatry 57:1202-1024 (2005).
24. Zhang XY, Haile CN, Tan YL, Zuo LJ, Yang BZ, Cao LY, Zhou DF. Tumour necrosis factor alpha polymorphism (-1031T/C) is associated with age of onset of schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry 10:897-899 (2005).
25. Zhang XY, Zhou DF, Cao LY, Wu GY, Shen YC. Cortisol and cytokines in chronic and treatment-resistant patients with schizophrenia: association with psychopathology and response to antipsychotics. Neuropsychopharmacology 30:1532-1538 (2005).
最新修订时间:2024-10-23 14:13