在Phys. Rev. A,B,C,D,E,L等国内外重要学术刊物上发表SCI学术论文六十多篇。其中,部分研究成果被世界著名的国际粒子物理实验合作组CLEO Collaboration等作为理论预言和理论模型与他们实验结果对比而多次引用;部分研究成果被世界权威的粒子数据组Particle Data Group出版的粒子物理表“Review of Particle Physics”中多处引用。
(1) 量子场论及其应用
(3) 电子-声子相互作用体系
(4) 多体量子理论及超导机制
(5) 无序系统及相变理论
(1) BCS-BEC Crossover in Mix-dimensional Fermi Gases - Eur. Phys. J. B - 2011 - Vol.83, No.4, 445
(2) Casimir interaction between topological insulators with finite surface band gap - Phys.Rev.B - 2011 - Vol.84,075149
(3) Generalized quantization condition for topological insulators - Phys.Rev.B - 2011 - Vol.83,205109
(4) Mott insulator-superfluid phase transition in p-band triangle optical lattices with on-site rotation - Eur. Phys. J. B - 2011 - Vol.83, No.4, 475
(5) Orbital Diamagnetism of Weak-doped Bilayer Graphene in Magnetic Field - J.Phys.:Cond.Matter - 2011 - Vol.23,215306
(6) Bose-Hubbard phase transition with two- and three-body interaction in a magnetic field - Phys.Lett.A - 2010 - Vol.374, 4364
(7) Screening-induced transport at finite temperature in bilayer graphene - Phys.Rev.B - 2010 - Vol.81,195409
(8) Failsafe modes in Incomplete Minority Game - Phys.A - 2009 - Vol.388, 3892
(9) Incomplete strategy effect in minority game - Phys.A - 2009 - Vol.388, 935
(10) Conclusive and perfect quantum state transfer with a single spin chain - Phys.Lett.A - 2008 - Vol.372,No.3,185
(11) Renormalization of Non-Commutative Phi^3_6 Field Theory in x Space - Annales Henri Poincare - 2008 - Vol.9,No.1,65
(12) Collective Modes in a Uniform Fermi Gas with Feshbach Resonances - Phys.Rev.A - 2007 - Vol.75,053608
(13) Paraconductivity and magnetoconductivity approaches to superconducting fluctuations in La_{1.6-x} Nd_{0.4}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} films - J.Phys.:Cond.Matter - 2007 - Vol.19, 6213
(14) Structure and Decay Constant of the rho Meson with Bethe-Salpeter Equation - Phys.Rev.C - 2007 - Vol.76,025207
(16) Optimal $1
ightarrow M$ universal quantum cloning via spin networks - Phys.Rev.A - 2007 - Vol.76, 034302
(17) Axial Form-Factor and Induced Pseudoscalar Form-Factor of the Nucleons - Eur.Phys.J.C - 2006 - Vol.47, 375
(18) D_{s}(2317) as a Tetraquark State with QCD Sum Rules in Heavy Quark Limit - Nucl.Phys.A - 2006 - Vol.778,22
(19) Magnetic Moment of the Pentaquark theta+(1540) as Diquark-diquark-antiquark state with QCD Sum Rules - Eur.Phys.J.C - 2006 - Vol.45, 201
(20) Scalar Form-Factor of Proton with Light-Cone QCD Sum Rules - Phys.Rev.D - 2006 - Vol.73, 094011
(21) Structure of the D_{s0}(2317) and the Strong Coupling Constant g_{D_{s0}DK} with the Light-cone QCD Sum Rules - Phys.Rev.D - 2006 - Vol.73, 094020
(22) Analysis of the Vertexes D^{*}D_{s}K, D^{*}_{s}DK, D_{0}D_{s}K and D_{s0}DK with the Light-cone QCD Sum Rules - Phys.Rev.D - 2006 - Vol.74, 014017
(23) Analysis the 0^{++} Nonet Mesons as Four-Quark States with the QCD Sum Rules - J.Phys.G:Nucl.Part.Phys - 2005 - Vol.31, No.8,971
(24) Decay Width of the Pentaquark State theta^{+}(1540) with QCD Sum Rules - Phys.Rev.D - 2005 - Vol.72, 034012
(25) Magnetic Moment of the Pentaquark Theta^{+}(1540) with QCD Sum Rules - J.Phys.G:Nucl.Part.Phys - 2005 - Vol.31, No.7,703
(26) Decay Constant of the Pseudoscalar Charmonium and Bottomoniun - Phys.Lett.B - 2005 - Vol.615, 79
(27) Directional Ordering of Fluctuations in a 2-dimensional Compass model - Phys.Rev.Lett. - 2004 - 93,207201
(28) Decay Constant of the pion and B Mesons with Bethe-Salpeter Equation - Phys.Lett.B - 2004 - Vol.584, 71
(29) Structures of the f0(980), a0(980) mesons and the strong coupling constants with the light-cone QCD - Eur.Phys.J.C - 2004 - Vol.37, 223
(30) Decay constants of the pseudoscalar mesons in the framework of the coupled Schwinger -Dyson equation - Nucl.Phys.A - 2004 - Vol.744, 156
(31) Dynamical Symmetry Breaking and Confinement with Flat Bottom Potential - Phys.Lett.B - 2002 - Vol.536, 241
(32) Nonlocal quark vacuum condensate - Phys.Lett.B - 2001 - Vol.498, 195
(33) An Analytical Systemate Method of Two-State Dissipative System - Phys.Rev.E - 2000 - Vol.61, Part A, 4795
(34) Ground-state Description of Polarons in Quantum wells - J.Phys.:Cond.Matter - 1998 - Vol.10, 6565
(35) Ground-state Description of Polarons in Quantum Wells - J.Phys.:Cond.Matter - 1998 - Vol.10, 8103
(36) Calculations on Some Properties of the Kaon - Z.Phyk.C - 1997 - Vol.73, 141
(37) Calculations on Some Properties of the Pion in the Framework of Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter E - J.Phys.G:Nucl.Part.Phys. - 1996 - Vol.22, 1287
(38) A New Variational Calculation for N-dimensional Polarons in the Strong-coupling Limit - J.Phys.:Cond.Matter - 1996 - Vol.8, 7139
(39) Calculations of the Ground-state Energy for Strong- and Intermediate-coupling Exciton-phonon system - Phys.Rev.B - 1996 - Vol.54, 1463
(40) General Properties for Polaron in Motion - Phys.Rev.B - 1996 - Vol.54, 12852
(41) General Properties for Two-dimensional Polarons with Non-zero Momentum - Phys.Lett.A - 1996 - Vol.220, 131
(42) Polaron Effective Masses with Extended Coherent States - J.Phys.:Cond.Matter - 1996 - Vol.8, 3391
(43) Two- and Three-dimensional Polarons with Extended Coherent States - Phys.Rev.B - 1996 - Vol.53, 11296
(44) A Concise Approach to Calculate Polaron Ground-state Energy - Phys.Lett.A - 1994 - Vol.185, 216
(45) An Extensive Calculation of the Properties of a One-dimensional Polaron - J.Phys.:Cond.Matter - 1994 - Vol.6, 6599
(46) Concise Calculations of the Ground-state Energy for Strongly Bound Exciton-phonon System - Phys.Rev.B - 1994 - Vol.50, 14583
(47) Variational Calculation for Large Bipolarons in the Strong-coupling Limit - Phys.Rev.B - 1994 - Vol.50, 164
(48) Phenomenological Model for 0^{-} Mesons - Phys.Rev.D - 1993 - Vol.47, 2098
(49) Relation Between Faddeevian and Usual Regularization in Chiral Schwinger Model - J.Phys.G:Part.Phys. - 1993 - Vol.19, 2177