山东大学(威海)教授, 博士生导师
夏利东,博士,教授。1985年至1993年,中国科学技术大学本科、硕士;1999年开始在德国哥廷根大学和马普太阳系研究所攻读博士学位,2003年获得哥廷根大学天文和天体物理学博士学位。1993年参加工作,中国科学技术大学助教、讲师。2003和2004年曾先后在马普太阳系研究所和英国Armagh 天文台从事博士后研究。2004 年,中国科学技术大学副教授。2007,山东大学(威海)教授, 博士生导师。
1、Tu, C.-Y., Schwenn, R., Donovan, E., Marsch, E., Wang, J.-S., Xia, L.-D., Zhang, Y.-W., KuaFu working team, Space weather explorer - the KuaFu mission, Advances in Space Research, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2007.04.049, 2007
2、Chen, Y., Y.Q. Hu and L.D. Xia, Two energy release processes for CMEs: MHD catastrophe and Magnetic reconnection, Advances in Space Research, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2007.02.011, 2007
3、Xia L.-D., C.-Y. Tu, R. Schwenn, E. Donovan, E. Marsch, J.-S. Wang, Y.-W. Zhang, Z. Xiao, F.-S. Wei, The KuaFu Mission, Chinese J. of Space Science, Vol. z1, 2006
4、Lu, Q.M., Xia, L.D., Wang, S., Hybrid simulations of parallel and oblique electromagnetic alpha/proton instabilities in the solar wind, JGR, Volume 111, Issue A9, CiteID A09101,2006
5、Xia, L. D., M. D. Popescu, Doyle, J. G. and Giannikakis, J., Time series study of the EUV spicules observed by SUMER/SoHO, Astron. & Astrophys., 438, 1115-1122, 2005
6、Tu, C.-Y., Zhou, C., Marsch, E., Xia, L.-D., Zhao, L., Wang, J.-X. and Wilhelm, K., Solar Wind Origin in Coronal Funnels, SCIENCE, Volume 308, Issue 5721, pp.519-523, 2005
7、Tu, C.-Y., Zhou, C., Marsch, E., Wilhelm, K., Zhao, L., Xia, L.-D. and Wang, J.-X.., Correlation Heights of the Sources of Solar Ultraviolet Emission Lines in a Quiet-Sun Region, The Astrophysical Journal, 624, L133-L136, 2005
8、Popescu, M. D., Banerjee, D., O'Shea, E., Doyle, J. G., Xia, L. D.,Very long period activity at the base of solar wind streams, Astron. & Astrophys., 442, 1087-1090, 2005
9、Doyle, J. G., Giannikakis, J., Xia, L. D. and Madjarska, M. S., Line broadening of EUV lines across the Solar limb: A spicule contribution? Astron. & Astrophys., 431, L17-L20, 2005
10、Wiegelmann, T., Xia, L. D. and Marsch, E., Links between magnetic fields and plasma flows in a coronal hole, Astron. & Astrophys., 432, L1-L4, 2005
11、Popescu, M. D., Doyle, J. G. and Xia, L. D., Network boundary origins of fast solar wind seen in the low transition region? Astron. & Astrophys., 421, 339-348, 2004
12、Xia, L. D., Marsch, E. and Wilhelm, K., On the network structures in solar equatorial coronal holes. Observations of SUMER and MDI on SOHO, Astron. & Astrophys., 424, 1025-1037, 2004
13、Marsch, E., Wiegelmann, T. and Xia, L. D., Coronal plasma flows and magnetic fields in solar active regions. Combined observations from SOHO and NSO/Kitt Peak, Astron. & Astrophys., 428, 629-645, 2004
14、Xia, L.D., Marsch, E. and Curdt, W., On the outflow in an equatorial coronal hole, Astron. & Astrophys., 399, L5-L9, 2003
15、Wilhelm, K., Dammasch, I. E. and Xia, L.D., Observations of ultraviolet emission lines in solar coronal holes on the disk with SUMER on SOHO, Advances in Space Research, 30, 517-522, 2002
16、Xia, L.D. and Marsch, E., Equatorial Coronal Holes and Their Relation to High-Speed Solar Wind Streams, SOLAR WIND TEN: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, 679, 319-322, 2003
17、Xia, L. D. and Marsch, E. and Wilhelm, K., Topological Changes of the Magnetic Network as Seen in Different UV/EUV Emission Lines, ESA SP-547, p.169, 2004
18、Xia, L.D. and Marsch E., Observational Constraints on Ion Acceleration by Waves in Coronal Holes, ESA SP-547, p.387, 2004
19、Xia, L. D., Popescu, M. D. and Doyle, J. G., Dynamic Properties of Solar Spicules Observed by SUMER/SOHO, ESA SP-575, p.362, 2004
20、Popescu, M. D., Xia, L. D. and Doyle, J. G., Temporal Evolution of the Magnetic Network in Polar Coronal Holes, ESA SP-575, p.513, 2004
21、Xia, L. D., M. D. Popescu, Chen, Y. and Doyle, J. G., On the connection between the disk and limb events observed by SOHO, ESA SP-592, p.575, 2005
22、Liu W., Hu, Y. Q., Xia L. D. and Yang Y. L., “Disturbance of prominence caused by magnetic cancellation”, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, V. 24, Issue 3, 2000.
最新修订时间:2023-12-24 21:01