‘ Gothia Cup ’ was established in 1975 inGothenburg, Sweden and with ‘Different Colors, Same World’as its slogan. Gothia Cup is the biggest and most internation-al youth football tournament in the world. It has been stronglysupported by UN, FIFA, UEFA and Sweden itself. In 2007, FIFAawarded it ‘The World Youth Cup’. The tournament is held annu-ally in July with nearly 1,800 teams of 40,000 participants fromabout 80 nations playing on more than 110 fields. A total of 4,500games are played for one week.
The 41th Gothia Cup in 2015 saw 1,754 teams representing 74countries with 40,200 players competing in 4,500 games on 110fields. 56,420 spectators came to the opening ceremony andaround 400,000 tourist nights were spent in Heden. Meanwhile100 plus reporters from around 40 nations followed the eventand the satisfaction rate for the event and players was 99,2%.In that year, Hainan Qiongzhong from China won the G12 title.
★ 所有赛事流程完全尊重孩子们追求快乐的天性。
★ 开幕式系列活动无不渗透着快乐的元素,青春健康的主题。
★ 领队派队让领队、教练像孩子们一样释放压力,彻底high起来。
★ 里斯伯格游乐场等场所,是孩子们赛事之余快乐嬉戏的乐园。
★ 孩子们通过足球结识国际朋友,无比开心快乐。
★ Kids-friendly event procedure.
★ Enjoyable and dynamic opening ceremony.
★ Leaders Party, a true pressure reliever!
★ Amusement Park is children’s favourite hanghout after matches.
★ A social networking platform offered by football.
★ 有机会与世界最先进的青少年足球队对抗和交流,真正培养良好的足球素养,锻炼超强的技战术意识,积累各种场合的比赛经验。
★ 让足球多层次渗入每个青少年的心里,让足球成为青少年生活的一部分。
★ 赛事期间,将有多家足球俱乐部的星探观摩比赛,及时发现青少年足球明星将其选送到专业的俱乐部去训练、提高,再送往巴萨、皇马等世界最好的足球俱乐部发展。伊布、皮尔洛、阿隆索、巴普蒂斯塔都曾是“世界青少年杯”赛场上耀眼的明星。
★ Gothia Cup offers an opportunity to play against and ex-change ideas with strong teams, sharpening players’ skills andtactics and helping accumulate experience.
★ Be football part of teenagers’ life.
★ Lots of youth talents have been scouted during the tourna-ment and made it to the top clubs, such as Barcelona and RealMadrid. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Andrea Pirlo, Xabi Alonso and Ju-lio Baptista were the super stars in Gothia Cup.
Your work is heartening evidence ofwhat young people can do to makethe world a better place. As the Unit-ed Nations Continues to work forpeace and better standards of life inlarger freedom, the Gothia Cup haveshown that you are, in truest sense, our partners.
On behalf of the United Nations, I am pleased to extendmy best wishes and my gratitude to these who take partin the Gothia Cup.
The whole world knows about the Gothia Cup. Thisunique tournament has become famous whereverfootball is played on our planet, not only becauseit is the biggest one but also because it is the bestyouth tournament in the world.
Gothia Cup has become a standard for otheryouth tournaments eleswhere in the world to em-ulate.The concept may have been copied in themeantime by others, but it remains the pace-setterin terms of excellent of organization and renown.