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9. Meng, J., Ye, Z., Meng, J., & Li, W. (2022).Green Finance for Sustainable Infrastructure: A Systematic Literature Reviewand Conceptual Framework. Journal of Cleaner Production.
10. Chen,L., Han, S., Ye, Z., & Xia, S. (2022). The Optimization of the Location ofFront Distribution Centre: A Spatio-Temporal Joint Perspective. InternationalJournal of Production Economics.
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14. Jiang,H., Jin, Q., Cheng, P., Hua, M., & Ye, Z. (2021). How are typical urbansewage treatment technologies going in China: from the perspective of lifecycle environmental and economic coupled assessment. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ANDPOLLUTION RESEARCH. doi:10.1007/s11356-021-13910-w
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16. Ye,Z., & Zhu, Y. (2021). The triplet dynamics of carbon emission, economiccomplexity, and income inequality: Perspectives from a global panel study.Session II: Low-carbon transition and carbon neutrality.
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29. Calvin,K., Ye, Z., & Ke, Q. (2023). Why Does Price Deviate from Net Asset Value?The Case of Singaporean Infrastructure REITs. International Review of FinancialAnalysis.
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