Part One Western Civilization
Ⅰ The Ancient World: Foundations of the West To A. D. 500
1 The Ancient Near East: The First Civilizations
2 The Greeks: From Myth to Reason
3 The Romans: From City-State to World Empire
4 Early Christianity: A World Religion
Ⅱ The Middle Ages: The Christian Centuries A. D. 500~1400
5 The Rise of Europe: Fusion of Classical, Christian, and German Traditions
6 The Flowering of Medieval Civilization: The Christian Synthesis
Ⅲ The Rise of Modernity: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment 1350 ~1789
7 Transition to the Modern Age: Renaissance and Reformation
8 Political and Economic Transformation: National States, Overseas Expansion,Commercial Revolution
9 Intellectual Transformation: The Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment
Ⅳ The Modern West: From the Bourgeoisie Revolution to the Industrial Age 1640~1914
10 The Triumph of England's Parliament: Constitutional Monarchy and Cabinet Government
11 The American Revolution: Independence and Civil War
12 The Era of the French Revolution: The Affirmation of Liberty and Equality
13 Ferment of Ideas: Romanticism, Conservatism, Liberalism, Nationalism
14 The Industrial Revolution: The Transformation of Society
15 Europe in the Industrial Age: Modernization and Imperialism
Ⅴ Western Civilization in Crisis: World Wars and Totalitarianism 1914~1945
16 World War I: The West in Despair
17 The Soviet Union: Modernization and Totalitarianism
18 The Era of Fascism: The Attack on Reason and Freedom
19 World War II: Western Civilization in the Balance
Ⅵ The Contemporary World: The Global Age Since 1945
20 Europe After 1945: Recovery, Realignment, Division
21 U.S. After 1945: Hegemonic Position
22 The New Globalism: Problems and Prospects
Part Two Chinese Civilization
Ⅰ Ancient Chinese Civilization: One of the Four Great Ancient Civilizations
1 Four Great Inventions: the Compass, Gunpowder, Papermaking,and Printing
2 Three Schools of Thoughts in Ancient: Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism
3 The First Emperor of Imperial China: Qin Shi Huangdi
4 The Greatest Dynasty of Imperial China: Hen Dynasty
5 The Classical Literature: The Poetry in Tang and Song Dynasties
Ⅱ Emergence of Modern China: The Semi-Colonial and Semi-Feudalism China
6 The Opium War: Western Powers Arrive
7 The Growing up of the Chinese Modem History: The Self-Strengthening Movement
8 The Revolution of 1911 : Turning Point in Modern Chinese History
Ⅲ Modern Chinese Polities: From “Dark” to ”Bright”
9 The New Culture Movement: the Basis for May Fourth Movement
10 Rise of the Communists: Leader Mao Zedong
11 Anti-Japanese War: Kuomintang and CCP United Front Against Japan
12 Civil War: the Triumph of Communist Party
Main References
高芳英,硕士,1956年生,女,江苏苏州人。历史学教授。先后毕业于苏州大学、美国克利夫兰州立大学,1996年、1999年、2002年赴美国、英国留学和访学。主要从事世界史的教学和研究工作,专业重点是美国史和近现代世界经济史,出版专著《星条旗下的阴影——美国百年经济发展中的社会问题探析》、编著《世界地理大发现》,在《世界历史》、《江海学刊》、《史林》等核心期刊发表论文几十篇,科研成果多次获得市厅级二、三等奖,被苏州市政府列为跨世纪人才。现任苏州大学社会学院历史系副主任、世界史专业硕士生导师、中国日本史学会常务理事兼对外交流分会会长,江苏省世界史研究会副会长。 范菊华,博士1962年生,男,江苏苏州人。历史学副教授。先后从事中小学英语教学,大学英语和历史专业教学,并先后获英语语言文学硕士和历史学博士学位,现任苏州大学社会学院历史系硕士生导师,承担世界历史,当代国际关系和史学专业英语等课程的教学。研究方向为二十世纪国际关系、国际关系史学与理论,主治西方国际关系理论和全球气候变化,出版专著《国际制度的建构主义分析》,在《世界经济与政治》、《现代国际关系》、《国外社会科学》、《读书》等刊物发表论文数篇。