北欧旅游局Scandinavian Tourist Board,缩写STB,是北欧国家共同筹建的旅游联合推销组织。隶属于斯堪的纳维业旅游局亚洲总部,为丹麦旅游局,挪威旅游局和瑞典旅游局全权所有。20世纪20年代成立。宗旨是:宜传推广北欧地区形象及其独特的旅爵产品。主要任务涉及市场调研、推广执行、公关活动,以及对旅游行业人员提供培训指导。从面在高端旅游市场为北欧地区确立地位。成员为丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、瑞典和挪威等北欧五国的旅游主管部门,局长由五国旅游主管部门的负责人轮流担任。经费由上述五国通过特别捐款的方式筹集。在纽约、里约热内卢、芝加哥、洛杉矶、东京、北京和广州等地设有办事处。主要出版物有《北欧月讯》(Newsletters),在中国发行的出版物有《真乐活·真北欧》、《斯堪的纳维亚地图》、《技术访问指南》、《商务环保手册》等。
Scandinavian Tourist Board (STB) is a joint initiative by the national tourist boards of Denmarkand Norway. STB is responsible for promoting the Danishand Norwegiantourism marketsinChina.
The main tasks of STB include producing market intelligence, carrying out promotional and PR activities, educating and supporting the local travel trade, and thus ultimately boosting lucrative, high-end tourism to Scandinavia.
STB Chinasets up its headquarters in Beijing and the liaison office in Shanghai. STB collaborates with Scandinavian entities such as the respective embassies, consulates and trade offices.
STB's vast network of both Scandinavian and non-Scandinavian travel trade companies, governmental organizations, NGOs, non-profit organizations as well as non-tourism related businesses and media compose a solid foundation for STB's many different activities. And it is, as a matter of course, at the disposal of all our partners.