刘全慧,男,1963年2月出生,湖南华容人, 理论物理博士,
项目组最近的工作其中在几何动量(Geometric momentum: The proper momentum for a free particle on a two-dimensional sphere Physical Review A 84 (2011)042101),包含这个概念从最初步的形式、确认为它为曲面上动量的恰当定义、证明和几何势能有同样的起源等等。在国际上的注意和认可中,有10篇左右的论文在题目和摘要中,用到了几何动量一词。最为典型的例子是,德国三个研究所(Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology; Abbe Center of Photonics; Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research)的四位作者,在刊物Opt. Express发表的论文的题目中就用了申请者命名的几何动量(geometric momenta)一词。这篇论文中的两句话值得注意:“Especially the dispersion within the positive region of the diagram is produced extremely precise, whereas assuming no geometric momenta fully fails to explain the dispersion of the HEm SPPs”,“Thus, in contrast to previously introduced models which do not take into account the curvature-induced geometric momenta [26, 27], our model is capable of approximating the propagation constants of all SPPs extremely well.”非常清晰地说明了,以往的研究由于没有考虑到几何动量,在该论文研究的问题上所获得的结果都是有问题的。