刘仕 (1988- )湖北
美国物理学会计算物理领域Nicholas Metropolis Award。
1. R. Xu,S. Liu, J. Karthik, A. R. Damodaran, I. Grinberg, A. M. Rappe, and L.W. Martin, “Kinetic control of tunable multi-state switching in ferroelectric thin films”,Nature Commun.10, 1282 (2019)
2. Z. Gu, S. Pandya, A. Samanta,S. Liu, G. Xiao, C. J. G. Meyers, A. R. Damodaran, H. Barak, A. Dasgupta, S. Saremi, A. Polemi, L. Wu, A. A. Podpirka, A. Will-Cole, C. J. Hawley, P. K. Davies, R. A. York, I. Grinberg, L. W. Martin, and J. E. Spanier, “Resonant domain-wall-enhanced tunable microwave ferroelectrics”,Nature560, 622–627 (2018)
3.S. Liuand R. E. Cohen, “Origin of negative longitudinal piezoelectric effect”,Phys. Rev. Lett.119, 207601 (2017) (Editors’ Suggestion)
4. H. Takenaka, I. Grinberg,S. Liu, and A. M. Rappe, “Slush-Like Polar Structures in Single Crystal Relaxors”,Nature546, 391 (2017)
5. Y. Qi,S. Liu, A. M. Lindenberg, and A. M. Rappe, “Ultrafast Electric Field Pulse Control of Giant Temperature Change in Ferroelectrics”,Phys. Rev. Lett.120, 055901 (2018)
6.S. Liu, I. Grinberg, and A. M. Rappe, “Intrinsic Ferroelectric Switching from First Principles”,Nature534, 360 (2016)
7.S. Liu, Y. Kim, L. Z. Tan and A. M. Rappe, “Strain-Induced Ferroelectric Topological Insulator”,Nano. Lett.16, 1663-1668 (2016)
8.S. Liu, F. Zheng, N. Z. Koocher, H. Takenaka, F. Wang, and A. M. Rappe, “Ferroelectric Domain Wall Induced Band-Gap Reduction and Charge Separation in Organometal Halide Perovskites”,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.6, 693 (2015)
9. R. Xu,S. Liu, J. Karthik, A. R. Damodaran, I. Grinberg, A. M. Rappe, and L.W. Martin, “Ferroelectric Polarization Reversal via Successive Ferroelastic Transitions”,Nature Mater. 14, 79 (2015).