Nearly every Pro maternal woman will meet the difficulty of the pain of birth the baby, and almost 80% prim Para believe that it is hard to take the pain from the contraction of uterus . For getting further technology to reduce the Childbirth pain , Shortening the time of birth, making mother leaved this kind of pain, enjoying the happiness from getting the new life, the Security and Validity of the Hypnobirthing and Waterbirth, American Hypnobirthing Association, WHO Breast-feeding Improvement Association and Beijing Antai Maternity Hospital will hold the Global Event of Motherhoods which will be starting in Beijing.
WHO)母乳喂养促进会、美国催眠镇痛分娩协会等单位联合发起主办了全球妈妈幸福分娩公益传递(The Global Event of Motherhoods)活动。
全球妈妈幸福分娩公益传递活动周期为半年,以“改善分娩环境,减轻母爱痛苦”为主题,计划通过 “英雄母亲故事会”、“公益新闻巡回发布”、“全球40城市100家医院公益传递”及媒体跟踪报导等形式开展,让全社会关注、关心女性生育健康,给予伟大的母爱更多理解、尊重与呵护,让关乎人类生命诞生的前沿学术大众化、传播化。活动开幕之时,“国际镇痛分娩与水中分娩学术研讨会”将在中国北京举办,届时国内外12名专家将对人类新型分娩技术发表权威报告,规模达400余人,报导媒体30家以上。