第一条 为了加强对在中华人民共和国
第二条 本规定适用于国际组织、外国的组织和个人(以下简称外方)为和平目的,单独或者与中华人民共和国的组织(以下简称中方)合作,使用船舶或者其他运载工具、设施,在中华人民共和国内海、领海以及中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域内进行的对海洋环境和
第三条 中华人民共和国国家海洋行政主管部门(以下简称国家海洋行政主管部门)及其派出机构或者其委托的机构,对在中华人民共和国管辖海域内进行的涉外海洋科学研究活动,依照本规定实施管理。
第四条 在中华人民共和国内海、领海内,外方进行海洋科学研究活动,应当采用与中方合作的方式。在中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域内,外方可以单独或者与中方合作进行海洋科学研究活动。
第五条 外方与中方合作进行海洋科学研究活动的,中方应当在海洋科学研究计划预定开始日期6个月前,向国家海洋行政主管部门提出书面申请,并按照规定提交海洋科学研究计划和其他有关说明材料。
第六条 经批准进行涉外海洋科学研究活动的,申请人应当在各航次开始之日2个月前,将海上船只活动计划报国家海洋行政主管部门审批。国家海洋行政主管部门应当自收到海上船只活动计划之日起1个月内作出批准或者不批准的决定,并书面通知申请人,同时通报国务院有关部门。
第七条 有关中外双方或者外方应当按照经批准的海洋科学研究计划和海上船只活动计划进行海洋科学研究活动;海洋科学研究计划或者海上船只活动计划在执行过程中需要作重大修改的,应当征得国家海洋行政主管部门同意。
第八条 进行涉外海洋科学研究活动的,不得将有害物质引入海洋环境,不得擅自钻探或者作用炸药作业。
第九条 中外合作使用外国籍调查船在中华人民共和国内海、领海内进行海洋科学研究活动的,作业船舶应当于格林威治时间每天00时和08时,向国家海洋行政主管部门报告船位及船舶活动情况。外方单独或者中外合作使用外国籍调查船在中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域内进行海洋行政主管部门报告船位及船舶活动情况。
第十条 中外合作在中华人民共和国内海、领海内进行海洋科学研究活动所获得的原始资料和样品,归中华人民共和国所有,参加合作研究的外方可以依照合同约定无偿使用。
第十一条 中外合作进行的海洋科学研究活动结束后,所使用的外国籍调查船应当接受国家海洋行政主管部门或者其派出机构、其委托的机构检查。
第十二条 中外合作进行的海洋科学研究活动结束后,中方应当将研究成果和资料目录抄报国家海洋行政主管部门和国务院有关部门,并及时提供有关阶段性研究成果以及最后研究成果和结论。
第十三条 违反本规定进行涉外海洋科学研究活动的,由国家海洋行政主管部门或者其派出机构、其委托的机构责令停止该项活动,可以没收违法活动器具、没收违法获得的资料和样品,可以单处或者并处5万元人民币以下的罚款。
第十四条 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约与本规定有不同规定的,适用该国际条约的规定;但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。
第十五条 本规定自1996年10月1日起施行。
Article 1 These Provisions are formulated for the purposes of strengthening the administration of foreign-related maritime scientific research conducted in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, promoting the exchanges and cooperation in maritime scientific research with foreign countries and safeguarding the national security and maritime rights and interests.
Article 2 These Provisions apply to the investigation and research on the marine environment and resources, which are conducted for peace purpose and by use of vessels or other conveyances and installations by international organizations, foreign organizations and individuals (hereinafter referred to as foreign party) independently or in collaboration with the organizations from the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Chinese party) in the internal seas and territorial seas as well as in other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, but not to the exploration of marine mineral resources (including marine petroleum resources), the investigation of marine fishery resources and the survey of marine wildlife under special state protection, to which the relevant provisions of laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China apply.
Article 3 The state administrative department of marine affairs of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the state administrative department of marine affairs) together with agencies established or authorized by it shall, according to these Provisions, administer foreign-related maritime scientific research conducted in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
Other competent departments under the State Council shall, within their respective scope of authorities specified by the State Council and in consultation with the state administrative department of marine affairs, administer foreign-related maritime scientific research conducted in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
Article 4 A foreign party intending to conduct maritime scientific research in the internal seas or territorial seas of the People's Republic of China should undertake it in collaboration with a Chinese party. In other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, a foreign party may conduct maritime scientific research independently or in collaboration with a Chinese party.
A maritime scientific research conducted by a foreign party independently or in collaboration with a Chinese party shall be subject to the approval of the state administrative department of marine affairs, or be reported by the state administrative department of marine affairs to the State Council for the approval, and shall be in conformity to laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
Article 5 For a maritime scientific research to be conducted by a foreign party in collaboration with a Chinese party, the Chinese party should, six months before the scheduled implementation of the maritime scientific research plan, apply to the state administrative department of marine affairs in writing and submit the maritime scientific research plan and other relevant explanatory materials as required.
A foreign party intending to conduct maritime scientific research independently should, six months before the scheduled implementation of the maritime scientific research plan, apply to the state administrative department of marine affairs in writing through diplomatic channels and submit the maritime scientific research plan and other relevant explanatory materials as required.
After receiving the application for maritime scientific research, the state administrative department of marine affairs shall examine it in consultation with the Foreign Ministry, the competent military department and other competent departments under the State Council and, within four months, decide whether or not to grant approval or submit an examination report to the State Council for the decision.
Article 6 An applicant having been approved to conduct foreign-related maritime scientific research shall, two months before each voyages, submit his plan for offshore operations by vessel to the state administrative department of marine affairs for the examination and approval. The state administrative department of marine affairs shall, within one month as from the date of receiving the aforesaid plan, decide whether or not to grant approval, notify the applicant in writing and report to relevant departments under the State Council at the same time.
Article 7 The Chinese and foreign parties concerned or the foreign party concerned shall conduct maritime scientific research according to the approved plan for maritime scientific research and the approved plan for offshore operations by vessel. If a major modification of the plan for maritime scientific research or the plan for offshore operations by vessel is required in the course of its implementation, prior approval shall be obtained from the state administrative department of marine affairs.
If force majeure makes it impossible to implement the approved plan for maritime scientific research or the approved plan for offshore operations by vessel, the Chinese and foreign parties concerned or the foreign party concerned shall promptly report the case to the state administrative department of marine affairs. The party concerned may resume the implementation, or modify, or suspend the implementation of the plan when force majeure has disappeared.
Article 8 The introduction into the marine environment of harmful substances, and the exploration or operations by use of explosives without authorization shall be prohibited in conducting foreign-related maritime scientific research.
Article 9 Where Chinese and foreign parties cooperate to conduct maritime scientific research in the internal seas and territorial seas of the People's Republic of China by use of an investigation vessel of foreign nationality, the vessel operating at sea shall, at 00:00 and 08:00 hundred hours Greenwich mean time every day, report to the state administrative department of marine affairs on its position and activity. Where a foreign party, independently or in collaboration with a Chinese party, conducts maritime scientific research in other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China by use of an investigation vessel of foreign nationality, the vessel operating at sea shall, at 02:00 hundred hours Greenwich mean time every day, report to the state administrative department of marine affairs on its position and activity.
The state administrative department of marine affairs or agencies established or authorized by it may exercise surveillance at sea over the investigation vessel of foreign nationality mentioned in the preceding paragraph or embark on the vessel to perform inspection.
Article 10 Where Chinese and foreign parties cooperate to conduct maritime scientific research in the internal seas and territorial seas of the People's Republic of China, original data and samples they have acquired shall belong to the People's Republic of China. The foreign cooperator may use original data and samples free of charge as agreed upon in the contract.
Where Chinese and foreign parties cooperate to conduct maritime scientific research in other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, original data and samples they have acquired shall be shared Between them according to an agreement, and may be used free of charge by any of them.
Where a foreign party conducts maritime scientific research independently, original data and samples he has acquired may be used free of charge by the relevant organizations of the People's Republic of China. The foreign party shall provide free of charge copies of materials and separable samples so acquired for the state administrative department of marine affairs.
Without the approval of the state administrative department of marine affairs and other competent departments under the State Council, the Chinese and foreign parties concerned or the foreign party concerned shall not publish or transfer original data and samples they have or he has acquired by conducting maritime scientific research in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
Article 11 When a foreign party has independently completed or Chinese and foreign parties have jointly completed maritime scientific research, the investigation vessel of foreign nationality used for the research shall pass the inspection of the state administrative department of marine affairs or agencies established or authorized by it.
Article 12 When Chinese and foreign parties have jointly completed maritime scientific research, the Chinese party shall send copies of the research achievement report and the data list to the state administrative department of marine affairs and other competent departments under the State Council.
A foreign party having independently completed maritime scientific research shall provide data and samples acquired in the research or their copies and separable samples for the state administrative department of marine affairs, and shall promptly provide the research achievements at each stage and the final research achievement and the conclusion.
Article 13 If anyone, in violation of these Provisions, conducts foreign-related maritime scientific research, the state administrative department of marine affairs or agencies established or authorized by it shall order him to stop the research, may confiscate his implements used in the illegal activities and data and samples acquired illegally, and may exclusively or concurrently impose a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan.
If any violation of these Provisions gives rise to heavy losses or serious consequences and thereby a crime has been constituted, the offender shall be investigated for criminal liability.
Article 14 If an international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions that differ from these Provisions, the provisions of the international treaty shall apply, except those on which China has made reservations.
Article 15 These Provisions come into force on October 1, 1996.