zoological taxonomy 动物分类学
Zoological nomenclature 动物命名法
zoological technician 动物园技术员
zoological series 动物学专刊
zoological name 动物的学名
zoological vocabulary 动物词汇
zoological feed 生态饲料
zoological taxon 动物分类单元
Zoological Scripta 动物文稿
Tail covert, display, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg.尾部覆羽,展示用,汉堡大学动物学会和动物博物馆。
He was first introduced to biology by his brother Karl, 10 years older and, later, the director of the Zoological Museum of Hamburg.教导他接触生物学的领路人,最开始是年长他10岁的兄弟卡尔,后来则是汉堡动物学博物馆的主任。
Now conservationists from the Zoological Society of London's Project Seahorse team are warning populations could fall precipitously because so much of their habitat could have been lost to the spill.现在,来自伦敦海马计划团队动物学社会的保护管理论者发出警告,由于因溢油而失去太多的栖息环境,海马的数量将会陡减。