Womankind Worldwide 世界女性
I called womankind paragraph 我叫段艳丽
He respects all womankind 他尊重所有的妇女
the womankind of China 中国的妇女们
I was trying to get at the root of the problem - for the benefit of womankind, and for myself.我尽力想要挖出问题的根源——为女性,也为我自己。
But the circumstance was sufficient to lead him to select Tess in preference to the other pretty milkmaids when he wished to contemplate contiguous womankind.但是这情形已经足以使他在希望观察身边这些女性时,选择苔丝而宁愿放弃别的漂亮女孩子了。
I wish half the women in England were as respectable as you, he said, in an ebullition of bitterness against womankind in general.“我希望在英格兰能有一半女人像你一样名誉就好了,”他对全英国的妇女发了一阵牢骚说。