What will astronomers of the far future, living in this supercluster conclude about the history of the universe?在极遥远的未来,居住于此超级星团中的天文学家将如何描述宇宙的历史呢?
This was once thought to be what caused galaxies to form in supercluster complexes, although this idea has since been abandoned.曾经有人以为这是造成银河组成超星系团的原因,不过后来这种想法被抛弃。
Normally a CMB photon is first blueshifted (its peak shifts towards the blue end of the spectrum) when it enters the supercluster and then redshifted as it leaves, so that the two effects cancel.通常来说,宇宙微波背景辐射粒子先发生了蓝移(它们的峰向光谱的蓝端移动),但当它进入超星系团之后又发生了红移。 这两个效果相互抵消。