Retroflex Suffixation 那话儿
retroflexed suffixation 儿化
la suffixation 后缀构词法
z-suffixation z变韵
er-suffixation constraints 儿化韵制约条件
Some cases of r-suffixation in Chinese involve phonological opacity.有时这种音系变化还涉及音系不透明性。
Retroflex suffixation of place names is a very common phenomenon in Beijing.北京地名的儿化现象十分普遍。
This family has been widely publicised as suffering primarily from a defect in the use of grammatical suffixation rules, thus supposedly supporting the existence of genes specific to grammar.这个家族已经被广为宣传成为,主要遭受到在后缀规则的语法使用上的缺陷所困扰,所以,根据推测也支持了,语法之特定基因的存在。