salvageable files 可挽回文件 ; 可恢复文件
Highly Salvageable 高分解价值
salvageable cargo 可以打捞的货物
salvageable items 可抢救的物品
Children who live nearby earn money digging through the debris to find salvageable material.住在附近的儿童从废墟中寻找堪回收的材料卖钱。
Mr Thain hopes to run another public company-oddly, he still wears a suit most days despite having no job, according to the Wall Street Journal. His reputation seems salvageable.据《华尔街日报》,赛恩希望开一家上市公司,很奇怪的是,虽然没有工作,大部分时间他仍然西装革履。
Some stopped to talk to it. And some picked it over for salvageable parts.有些人直接走开了,有些人停下来跟它说话,也有些人为它找来可以用来修理的零件。