rubble /ˈrʌbəl/ TEM8
1.N-UNCOUNT When a building is destroyed, the pieces of brick, stone, or other materials that remain are referred to as rubble. 瓦砾
2.N-UNCOUNTRubble is used to refer to the small pieces of bricks and stones that are used as a bottom layer on which to build roads, paths, or houses. (铺路、建房用的) 碎石; 碎砖
Rubble Racer 小飞船躲石子
rubble mound 毛石堆 ; 毛石基 ; 粗石堆堤 ; 石堆
rubble structure 堆石结构 ; 毛石结构
rubble breccia 破碎角砾岩 ;
构造角砾岩 ; 碎石角砾岩
rubble stone 毛石
rubble work 毛石工 ; 毛石砌体
rubble drain[建] 乱石盲沟 ; 盲沟 ; 积石排水沟 ; 乱石盲沟