reformulation skill 信息重组技能
reformulation markers 换言标记语
history reformulation 历史重构
reformulation indicator 重述标示
possession reformulation 占有改定
Query Reformulation 查询重构 ; 查询重写
reformulation rule 重组规则
PageRankoblem reformulation 问题重构
This requires a rational reformulation of the body of ideas expounded by leading thinkers in the field.这要求对该领域内的领袖思考者们已经论述过的观点再做一次理性重塑。
Of course, what we had done was nothing new-just a reformulation of the concept of developing a dashboard of kpis-but it took a marketing initiative to create it.当然,我们所做的没什么新鲜的—只不过是开发kpi指示板理念的再现—但是创建它时加入了一些市场意识。
Rational reformulation is basically to create new analytical categories, or more simply, to unearth the hidden assumptions implicit in all strategic thinking and research.理性重塑是要在根本上创造新的分析类别,或者更简单地说就是,要挖掘出所有战略思考与研究之中那些尚不清晰的潜在假设。