Pediatric Gastroenterology 小儿科 ; 小儿科胃肠 ; 胃肠 ; [儿科] 儿科胃肠病学
Pediatric Cardiopulmonary 小儿科 ; 小儿科心肺 ; 心肺
Pediatric PFT 小儿心肺功能室 ; 小儿心肺效用室
Pediatric Urology 小儿科
Pediatric Research 儿科研究
Pediatric dermatology 儿童皮肤病学 ; 儿童皮肤学 ; 的翻译是小儿科皮肤学
pediatric epilepsy 小儿癫痫症 ; 小儿癫痫学 ;
pediatric allergy 儿科变态反应 ; 即过敏专科
Dr. Tom is a pediatric respirologist at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa.汤姆医生是渥太华东安大略儿童医院的儿科呼吸病学专家。
Among pediatric disorders, only diabetes, AIDS, and asthma draw more research funding from the National Institutes of Health.在儿科疾病中,只有糖尿病、艾滋病和哮喘从国家健康协会得到了较多的资金。
In specialties ranging from cardiac care to pediatric care, they could become as essential in daily medicine as the stethoscope.在心脏护理至儿科护理的专业领域中,它们在日常医学中可能会像听诊器一样不可或缺。