peahen skin 雌孔雀皮
peahen girl 孔雀女
peahen n skin 雌孔雀皮
A child was feeding the peahen in the zoo.一个孩子正在喂动物园里的那只雌孔雀。
One important difference between peacocks' tails and human minds, of course, is that the peahen's accoutrement is a drab affair.当然,孔雀的尾巴与人类的大脑有一个非常重要的区别,那就是雌孔雀所具有的尾巴却无任何吸引力可言。
During courtship the crested male common peacock displays his elongated upper tail coverts-a magnificent green and gold erectile train adorned with blue-green eyes-before the duller-plumaged peahen.当求爱时期,有冠毛的普通雄性孔雀会拉长上部隐蔽的羽毛——一种竖立的华丽绿色和金色羽毛与蓝绿色的眼睛结交——站在羽毛色泽呆滞的雌孔雀面前。