a laughingstock 闹笑话 ; 笑柄方
laughingstock k 笑柄
Give People Laughingstock 贻人口实 ; 贻人口实英语
Be A Laughingstock 成为笑柄
Make A Laughingstock Of Oneself 惹人笑话
A Laughingstock Down The Centuries 遗笑千古
His Lordship is a laughingstock 伯爵阁下他是个笑柄
Make A Great Laughingstock Of 滑天下之大稽
It has become the laughingstock of the city.这已成为全城的笑柄了。
This made him the laughingstock of the whole school.这使他成为全校的笑柄。
However, I knew I was going to be nothing but a laughingstock because half of my head was as bald as a bowling ball!但我知道我只会成为笑柄,因为我的头有一半像保龄球一样光溜溜的!