deorbit engine 脱离轨道用的制动发动机
deorbit phase 离轨段
electrodynamic tether deorbit 电动力缆绳离轨
deorbit retrorocket engine 脱离轨道用的制动火箭发动机
Tether-assisted deorbit 绳系辅助离轨
Small satellites shouldn't add to the problem of space debris since they are relatively easy to deorbit.小卫星相比较而言容易脱轨,但也不应该增加空间碎片问题。
To keep people on the ground safe, it's best to deorbit a spacecraft with a strong burn of propellant, to slow it down at the right time.为确保地面上人的安全,最好的方法是以一个强大的推进器燃烧来使宇宙飞船脱轨,在正确的时间使其慢下来。
It's evaluated for every area I and every chunk from a given spacecraft. If the sum total exceeds.0001-i.e., a 1 in 10,000 chance of a single casualty-that craft requires a controlled deorbit.可以用来评估每一个i区和指定航天器上的每一块垃圾,如果该值超过0.0001,即每一万人中可能会有一个人因此而伤亡,那么就应该对该飞行器的坠落路线进行引导。