Changeability of 梦违科学世纪
changeability figurel 变异图解
directional changeability 航向改变性
geometrical changeability 几何可变性
fluorine changeability 氟改性
Superior Changeability 卓越可变性
Its Changeability 它可变性
limit for changeability 可变性限度
Role A Changeability 角色
The stability is influenced, for example, by the changeability of the user interface and the quality of the decomposition of the system in projects or iterations.稳定性会受到影响,例如,用户界面的易变性和项目或迭代中系统分解的质量。
And as a result, dealing with big data demands a level of database agility and changeability that is difficult or impossible to achieve using today's techniques alone.结果,处理大数据需要一定程度的数据库敏捷性,以及难以或者甚至无法单独使用如今的技术实现的可变性。
As you add more roles to your system and use these roles as a way of changing what the user sees, you add an extra dimension of changeability to the content structure and presentation.随着在系统中添加更多的角色,并根据这些角色修改用户看到的内容,内容结构和显示方式的不确定性就会增加。