网讯技术(中国)有限公司成立于2002年, 拥有网讯信息技术(福建)有限公司和网讯软件(福建)有限公司两家全资子公司。公司遵循“以客户为中心以绩效为导向”的经营理念,专注于2.5G/2.75G/3G无线领域产品的研发生产销售和服务,产品涵盖CDMA2000/WCDMA/EDGE/TD-SCDMA等制式
3G路由器, 并为全球客户提供无线数据服务解决方案。
中国电子商会组织的2006—2007年度中国市场CDMA 1X无线数据终端(卡类)品牌调查活动中,获得市场占有率第一品牌。
网讯(VTION)作为中国无线通信行业一家年轻而富有活力的企业,在短短几年的时间内,快速成长为国内一流的专业无线解决方案服务商。企业致力于研究3G业务、下一代网络,及时为客户提供业界领先的无线解决方案,塑造“网讯技术,专业无线” 的形象。在立足于国内市场的同时,企业不断加快发展步伐,积极 拓展海外无线通信市场,以适应全球化经济的发展。
Now Vtion Group has more than 300 employees, of which about 30% are R&D technicians with educational background of Master´s degree and above. The company´s sales branches spread out in the big cities nationwide. The company established service center in 31 medium and large-scale cities. The company´. Furthermore, the company is expand internationally by providing customized wireless data card products and services.
Vtion, as the unique listed enterprise in the field of wireless data service, was awarded China´s 500 Most Valuable Brands and The Chinese Brand Annual Awards of Provider of Solutions for Wireless Data Service (No.1). Vtion brand was awarded as 2006-2007 No.1 Market Share Brand of China CDMA1X Wireless Data Terminal (Datacard Category) Market issued by China Electronic Chamber of Commerce.
Committed to the great mission of Wireless Anywhere, Vtion is devoting itself to be the global leading provider of wireless data service solutions.