Queensland Nickel 昆士兰镍业公司 ; 镍业公司 ; 昆州镍业公司
Queensland cotton 昆士兰棉
Queensland hemp 昆士兰大麻 ; 仙达溞属
Queensland Conservatorium
昆士兰音乐学院Queensland Nut 又称为 ; 夏威夷坚果 ; 昆士兰龙眼 ; 澳洲胡桃
Queensland d 昆士兰州
Queensland itch 昆士兰搔痒症
Queensland laurel 海桐属
Queensland Alumina 昆士兰氧化铝公司
The man was in a critical condition with severe injuries to his legs after being attacked by a shark in far north Queensland.该男子伤势严重,在昆士兰北部遭鲨鱼袭击后腿部严重受伤。
People are able to feed the plant by visiting the project at the Queensland library and literally stroking its fronds or soil.人们可以通过访问在昆士兰图书馆的这个项目来养殖植物,抚摸它的叶子或土壤来喂养它。
At nine, his father, a naturalist who had started a reptile park on the Queensland coast, taught him to stalk crocs at night and lug them out of the water.九岁时,他的父亲,一位在昆士兰海岸开设爬行动物公园的博物学家,教他在夜间跟踪鳄鱼并把它们拖出水面。