Phrygia a 佛里吉亚
Phrygia & Galatia 夫黎基雅及迦拉达
Xanthomyza phrygia Regent Honeyeater 王吸蜜鸟
Consolida phrygia Soó 佛里吉亚飞燕草
Adagio Of Spartacus And Phrygia 斯巴达克与弗莉吉雅 ; 斯巴达克斯与弗莉吉娅
Adagio of Spartacus &Phrygia 斯巴达克斯与弗里吉雅的慢板
Long before Richard II there was another king.King Tantalus was king of Phrygia which was where Turkey is now.在理查德二世之前有另个国王,坦塔罗斯是佛里基亚的国王,现在这里属于土耳其。
Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes.弗吕家,旁非利亚,埃及的人,并靠近古利奈的利比亚一带地方的人,从罗马来的客旅中,或是犹太人,或是进犹太教的人。
Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia.圣灵既然禁止他们在亚细亚讲道,他们就经过弗吕家,加拉太一带地方。