Mose code 摩斯密码
Mose Richards 莫斯 ; 编剧
Mose Lloyd 标签
Mose Howard 标签
Utterslev Mose 乌特斯莱摩西
Mose Eigsti 标签
Eigsti Mose 名称
Lapsley Mose 名称
With all the time and money that has gone into MOSE, Keahey hopes the project will be a success.科耶希望花费了这么多时间与金钱的MOSE项目能够成功。
MOSE, named after Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, is a system of floodgates seeking to protect the Venetian Lagoon from becoming inundated with water from the sea.该项目以摩西和红海的支流命名,是一个防洪闸体系,旨在防止威尼斯湖被海水冲淹。
MOSE is a play on the Italian name for Moses.摩西这个字是取自义大利人名摩西而来。