英 [ˈeniwʌn] 美 [ˈeniwʌn]
pron. 任何人;某个人;任何……的人;非重要人物;(没有)一个人(用于否定句);任何一个人
anyone /ˈɛnɪˌwʌn/ CET4 TEM4
1.PRON-INDEF You use anyone or anybody in statements with negative meaning to indicate in a general way that nobody is present or involved in an action. 任何人 (用于含否定意义的陈述句中)
2.PRON-INDEF You use anyone or anybody in questions and conditional clauses to ask or talk about whether someone is present or doing something. 某个人 (用于疑问句和条件分句中)
3.PRON-INDEF You use anyone or anybody before words that indicate the kind of person you are talking about. 任何…的人 (接后置修饰语) [PRON cl/group]
4.PRON-INDEF You use anyone or anybody to refer to a person when you are emphasizing that it could be any person out of a very large number of people. 任何一个人 [强调]
5.PHRASE You use anyone who is anyone and anybody who is anybody to refer to people who are important or influential. 任何要人
Anyone of Us 我们都会错 ; 凡人都会犯错 ; 我们都错了
Than anyone else 比谁
But don't let anyone 但是别让任何人 ; 但不要让任何人 ; 但他不会让所有人
anyone can fail 任何人都可能沉沦 ; 任何人会让人失望
With no proof anyone could 不能证明谁能听得到
anyone you think of 你可以想到的任何人 ; 所有你想得到的人 ; 所有你能想到的人 ; 你所想起的任何人
I never needed anyone 我谁也不需要 ; 从不需要任何人 ; 我从来不需要任何人 ; 我不需要任何人的陪伴
not a word to anyone
保守秘密anyone pron 任何人 ; 无论谁 ; 任何一个