张靓颖演唱的歌曲,由Jim Beanz、Candice Nelson和张靓颖创作词曲,收录于音乐专辑《
Past Progressive》。
《808》的词曲部分由音乐制作人Jim Beanz和Candice Nelson携手张靓颖共同完成,编曲制作由Jack Novak操刀。因为百威想选择一首歌曲作为2016年风暴电音节的主题曲,所以邀请了DJ Jack Novak从张靓颖的英文专辑中选择该曲重新做混音。Jack Novak在创作该曲的过程中,感到新鲜有趣,又具有挑战性。
Got me in the sky
Up so high
Now I feel like I can walk on air
Make me feel right every time
You're the only one that takes me there
Addicted to your love
Come and give it to me now
You got me turning up
When I should be turning down
You make it so hard
Gonna have you everyday
My heart is beating like an 808
I need that
I need that 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
How'd you do that
On Contact
When you touch me I just loose my breath
Happen so fast
I'm speechless
Your love that hasn't failed me yet
Addicted to your love
Come and give it to me now
You got me turning up
When I should be turning down
You make it so hard
Gonna have you everyday
My heart is beating like an 808
I need that
I need that 808
Baby you got my heart
Beating like an 808
I need that
I need that 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
Got my heart
Beating like an 808
《808》中,张靓颖的电子音色绽放出浓烈与张扬色彩,令人耳目一新。该曲由House、R&B等不同元素架构出来,带着潮流意气与国际范儿的风范,张靓颖用动感与个性的音色来“电”听众的视听感官,让人随着旋律去律动身体。该曲采用EDM+Vocal的形式,通篇选择中快板节奏,放弃了“欲扬先抑”的歌曲程式,很适合全英文的歌词。点题的“My heart is beating like an 808”,将心跳比作808鼓点,也是巧思独运。张靓颖将“808”的发音“Eight-O-Eight”特地断开,将最后一个“Eight”处理成中文拟声的“嘿或嗨”,形成一种喊麦的感觉,现场感呼之欲出。
2017年12月6日, 《808》进入美国Billboard舞曲/电音Hot EDM TOP50榜单第39名。